Into Town We Go

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"You forgot everything we've done together, how you and I were together." She says.

"Marlon fucked that up for you, he said you and Sophie died, and I mourned for you guys for a fucking year, when Clem came I was done mourning for you, after I saw you I knew I was done and I have Clementine now, and it's my job to keep her and AJ safe, if you have an issue with that, I don't give a damn." I tell her and she looks at me. It was a few hours before my shift was over, we didn't talk anymore just kept quiet until we took her out to get some food. I don't see Clementine and I look around a bit.

"Ruby is checking on her." Louis said and I nod. As long as she's with someone I'm fine.

"Louis you'll be watching Minnie, after my shift and then it's Ruby ok?" I asked and he nodded.

"Roger dodger." He said.

"Who's dodger?" AJ asked and I rubbed his head.

"It's just a saying that's all." I explained and he nods. I see Clementine and Ruby come out the building, Clem having a new bandage on her eye and I go over to her and AJ follows.

"Hey you good?" I asked and she kisses me and I smile.

"We need to get more peroxide and bandages later on." Ruby says and I nod.

"Ok, add that to the list." I said and Clem nods. We all sit to eat breakfast and I hold Clementines hand and look at her a bit.

"We gonna go into the town?" She asked and I nod.

"Yea we're gonna have to." I said and she nods again and we eat in silence and I rub her hand gently. It's become a habit to do this with her and I'm not complaining.

"Y'all gonna head in today?" Ruby asked and I nodded.

"Yea if Clem is up for it." I said and she nods.

"Yes please." She says and I nod and kiss her cheek gently.

"Who else is going?" Omar asked.

"It'll just be me and Clem." I said and they look at us.

"Just be safe." Ruby says and I nod. We finish breakfast and I grab our bags a bit and smile as Clem put hers on and looks at me and I chuckle as we head out. AJ runs up to us though.

"Can I come?" He asked.

"Hmm how about this, you keep look-out for the school while me and Clem check the town, just to make sure is safe for you ok?" I said as I got to his level.

"Ok but take this." He says and hands me his revolver and I look at him.

"Keep Clementine safe and leave the last one for yourself." He says and I nod as I get up and rub his head a bit and walk next to Clementine. We walk for a bit and I hold her hand for a while as we walk.

"What did AJ mean save the last bullet for myself?" I asked as I looked at her and she just looked forward.

"Clem?" I asked.

"I... it's just.... Just in case you don't want to turn." She says and I nod understanding what she means.

"Ok, sorry." I said.

"Don't be.... You'll question a lot of things I taught him." She says as we walk.

"I have no right to do so though, I never left Ericsson I didn't go through everything you have." I said and I lifted her hand up to me and kissed it.

"But still.... I still have no idea what I'm doing."

"No one does, we're still learning it's been years Yea but no one is an expert in this world, I mean hell no one knows why we even come back from the dead just to..... kill others who are trying to survive." I said and she looks at me.

The Walking Dead: Eye for an EyeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora