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Bakugou pov

I wake up feeling cold then I realize that kirishima was rolled up in my blanket on the other side of the bed and i sit up "what the hell shitty hair" I try taking the blanket but he pulls away "shitty hair give me the blanket!" I yell as I tug at the blanket and he doesn't give it to me "I will murder you!!!!" He doesn't move so I roll him over and start unwrapping him from the blanket and he groans "shitty hair it's too cold to be taking the blanket for yourself..." Then it hit me.... He is a reptile so he gets colder then I do... So I wrap him back up and I decide to cuddle the warm kirishima/burrito. Then my mom came in the room and put a blanket on us both so I was warm.

I wake up and I feel arms wrapped around me and I sigh knowing that shitty hair hugs me when he sleeps but I look down and it's fucking pikachu "LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING PIKABITCH" he wakes up and fucking runs and I'm pissed. "Why the hell was he in my bed sleeping with me?" I ask as I walk into the living room and everyone was laughing their asses off but I didn't see kirishima "where is kirishima?" Everyone started laughing again "why are all of you dunce faces laughing?" I sigh "oh he was in the bed" I turn back around and see kirishima sleeping curled up in my blanket and I sigh then go back in my room then shut the door behind me.

I go to wake shitty hair up and I unwrap him from the blanket and I throw the blanket away from him and next thing I know he sniffs and jumps on me and wraps his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist "what the fuck shitty hair?!" He just hugged me tighter and I walked back into the living room "he won't let go" I say and everyone else either squeals or laughs then he makes a purring noise "guys I think he is gonna explode-" I say and my mom sees us and says "stay in your room until he finishes sleeping I guess" I sigh then walk back into my room and lay on the bed and I fall asleep hoping he will wake up soon but he woke up 3-4 hours later and I took many naps and just layed there some of the time. But when he woke up he was sweating and breathing heavily "kirishima are you sick?" He didn't respond so I yelled for my mom and she eventually came and saw kirishima "what's wrong with him?!" I shrugged "I don't know he just woke up and now he is sweating and shaking and breathing hard" My mom sighed then pulled him off of me which was pretty hard and he blinked a couple of times then sat up and reached for me again "bakuuuuu"

"Kirishima? Are you ok?" Kirishima blushed a dark red and looked down and whispered in my moms ear about something and she points at me "you! Living room now!" I walk to the living room "what did I do this time" I ask as I sit down and a few minutes later my mom gets out of my room and sits beside me "so he is in heat" I look at her confused "I thought only females have heats" She shook her head "well dragons have heats male or female that's how it works for them but only a selected few don't have heats and they don't have an 'alpha Omega beta' thing it's just some dragons have heats some don't.

I still had one question "Why did he cling to me for so long?" She exhaled "well he doesn't have a mate so I'm guessing he chose you basically" I blushed then coughed (666 words) I was sorta confused yet intrigued "how long will it last?" She sighed "at least a week or less" I nodded "that means you have to avoid going in your room for a week at most" I groaned "ok whatever" My mom got up and locked the door to my room "why are you locking my door" She sighed "well he is able to smell you so if he wakes up and opens the door he might... Try something." I nod "what if he needs food?" Mom responded "i will check up on him and bring him food" I sigh


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