{Shotgun}-Chapter 1

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Grizz tapped his finger to the beat of the music that was playing in his car while mumbling the lyrics to the song playing.
"Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know were I'll be."Grizz mumbled turning up the music blasting it throughout his car.
"I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone."Grizz sang quietly as he kept his focus on the road trying his best not to get distracted. He rolled his windows down taking a breath of the fresh air. He checked how he looked in his Rearview mirror before finally returning all his focus to the road. The road he was driving on was fairly empty a few cars rushed past him occasionally. Other then that he pretty much had the whole road to himself. About ten or fifteen minutes later a light started flashing on his dashboard.
Grizz glanced at it and let out an annoyed groan before driving a little further then pulling over. There were no gas stations for miles and he was still over two hours away from New Ham. He turned off his car and opened his door glancing around outside before checking his phone.
"No service, Of course they're is no service."
Grizz said as he kicked the dirt out of frustration before leaning on his car. He ran his hand through his hair trying to think of something. After trying to think of something for Five Minuets of thinking he groaned and slid down his car.
"This. Sucks."He said to himself. The best thing he can do as of now is try and flag down a car.

Sam was pumping gas into his truck, he was driving back to New Ham today after visiting some family that lived in the next town over. He put the pump back before hopping in his truck slamming the truck door behind him. He checked his phone and responded to any text messages. After he finished he started his car and drove away.He decided to take the scenic route, sure it was longer but it was much prettier. He turned on the radio even though he couldn't hear it. He enjoyed feeling the vibrations of the songs. Sam leaned back into his seat and got comfortable since it was going to be a long ride. He glanced out at the forest that was on both sides of the road enjoying the view. He always had his windows down since he couldn't hear he wanted to feel the sun he wanted to smell that sent that can't quite be described while driving through the forest. He wanted to make up for the fact he couldn't hear the ruffle of the leaves or the chirping the birds. Sam presses a button opening the sun roof and smiled feeling the sun cascade over his body. After about an hour of driving Sam spotted a car then a boy waving his arms frantically trying to get his attention he looked behind him then in front then pulled over next to the boy. The boy ran over to the driver side then said...

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