Chapter four

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(The pic is you if you worked at the circus/ had a booth)

It's snowing..? I've never been able to see snow in person before, I should visit a game that has some. Wait why am I here, G0Z is looking for me.. Take me to G0Z...! There's that silly clown, I was worried for a moment ahaha! I'm gonna pull a prank on him, I'mma play dead. Just close your eyes and fall, make a noise so he hears us then stay quiet..
Y/N, are you okay?*
Get up this isn't funny.*
Y/N get up.*
Please.. Get up.*
If this is a joke then stop!*
Wake up!*
This is a nightmare isn't it.. well then I want you to wake up!*

"HOLY MOLEY MACA-FRICKEN-RONI" You scream as you bolt up and inevitably fall off your bed. "Owwwwwwww.." you groan in pain as your head hits the carpeted floor 'Jeez how did THAT hurt?' you internally ask yourself, questioning how weak your body actually was. "Crap now I feel bad for doing that to him... I'm gonna stay home today" you say to no one in particular. You sit on the couch and Zach lays himself next to you, patiently waiting for affection.

You let the animal and turn on the news, "I'm Judy Hara and In today's news, and unidentified body if a woman presumably the age of Y/A (you don't have to be your age irl) with H/C (hair color) hair has been found dead in her home, the cause of death is not yet known, the police are investigating the scene as we speak. On to Jim with the weather and top games today"

"Jeez, that's horrible, I'm done with news for today" you say to your animal friend, acting as if they were listening. You connect your Nintendo Switch to the TV and pull up YouTube, deciding on watching Flamingo and AlbertsStuff. "Dude they can't get us wait- ah- Ah- AAAAAAAAAAA" You burst out laughing as Albert screams as he gets absolutely destroyed.

You get up and decide you'll make some food, hamburgers sound good. You pick up a knife from the counter to move it, you feel a thing hit your leg and you drop the knife and let out a short and quiet scream. Your knife cuts your arm and clangs to the ground. "HOW US THAT EVEN POSSIBLE OWWWWWWWW" You complain as you rush to the bathroom to add bandages to your wound. Blood is easily seen and turns the previously white bandages red. The cut isn't deep enough to need stitches but It'll hurt for a while and you lost a bit of blood. You make the decision to just make something later and to get some more sleep. You wash off the knife and clean everything up and put stuff away, before collapsing on the couch and falling asleep.


You wake up to someone yelling your name and shaking you, you reluctantly open your eyes to see what was going on. "Hey, why are you screaming at me?.. I was sleepinggg" You tell the person who was now identified as G0Z. "OH THANK FATHER SUN, YOU'RE OKAY!" G0Z yells in relief as he hugs your form. "G0Z, what's wrong, why would I not be okay?" You ask him as you hug him back. "Well, I had this nightmare that you were hurt and I got really scared and then I saw the news and thought the dead lady was you and so I came here and saw your arm all bloody and I was terrified!" G0Z explains in one breath, hugging you tighter. "Hey that was just a dream, the lady isn't me, and my arm got cut by a knife I mishandled. I'm okay." You comfort him as you rub his back in a circular motion to help.

"How about we do something that you'd like to do?" You suggest to your now calm clown-crush. "That's a good idea, how about you meet my other friends who are also my circus crew?" He asks, his eyes sparkling. You give him a curious look and nod your head yes " Sure, sounds cool to meet people you like to hang with! But I really have to ask, why haven't I seen any of them before?" You reply to your friendly neighborhood Clown. "I don't think the others like to be around when there are to many people" he answers. "Hey, how about we have a sleepover, I can protect you from the nightmares and we can head out together to meet your friends in the morning!" You happily suggest to G0Z, more than greatful to have another person around. "Sounds like a plan, I'll grab my stuff and be riiight back" G0Z says, a wide grin on his face.


G0Z soon returned like said and the night began

9:30 PM
You pull G0Z towards your beloved pet Zachary, excited to see his reaction to the perfect animal. "This is Zachary, my best friend! What do you think of him?" You ask G0ZZY and look at him expectantly. "He looks adorable, what breed is he?" G0Z questions, his curiosity peaked. "He's a Shiba Inu, the same breed as the dog in the doge meme!" You tell him as you pet Zachary's soft fur. Zach walked over to G0Z and sniffed him, he nuzzled him and laid on his lap. G0Z looked amazed at the fluffy pupper and stroked his back, with stars in his eyes. You turn on the TV and use (choose a console that supports YouTube) to watch videos while G0Z played with Zach.

10:15 PM
G0Z reached into his bag, pulling out a storybook/ poem book. You look to what he's holding and your eyes widen, "Oh. My. Stars. Yes." You say not looking away from said book. G0Z laughed then flipped to a random page and handed the book to you. "Let's take turns reading stories from this, this one is all yours" he tells you. You do as your told and begin the story..

(Your speaking is in bold, G0Z will be italicized)

"A long time ago there was a man, when he was a child he lost his hand. How sad! He never cried at this fact, and when mentioned he'd laugh! He bonded with a boy, his name was Roy. He would always give the boy gifts, nobody thought anything was amiss. He doesn't sound very trustworthy. One day the boy went missing, but the man did not waste time reminiscing. He looked for the boy, bringing his favorite toy. He found Ron's body, but he was not sorry. I would cry if that ever happened to me. He put the corpse in the river.
S l i v e r
b y
s l i v e r."


"Augh that was creepy, why did I have to get that one!?" You complain as you take your arms out of the sleeves of your hoodie and hug them around your body. "You don't have to do that, put your arms back in your sleeves" G0Z says. You reluctantly comply and look at him. He then hugs you and scoots you closer to him so it was easier. He drapes a blanket over yours and his shoulders, grabbing the book back in the process. He flips to the middle of the book and begins reading the poem aloud to to you as you lay your head on his shoulder.

"Don't keep the closet open at night
I don't even have the guts to do that.
What's hiding in there will give you a fright
Weather it be a monster or clothes
When you close the door it's hunger lows
It feeds on fear
So when it's only around when you're here
I'd almost feel insulted if it wasn't a good reason
He doesn't like fun, or friends, or food
So when he's here, he'll always act rude
But if you dare keep that closet open
Let's just say
You won't be here in the morning."

"How did you even find this book?" You ask G0Z as you snuggle his side, from fear and because you were just cold. "My pal YUCK0 gave it to me, he said it creeped him out too much!" He says, closing his book and placing it safely into his bag's inner pocket. You giggle and look at the clock, trying to decide if it was time to sleep or if you should stay up.

"12:00 AM"
"We should head to bed now, it's midnight and I want to get some sleep for tommorow, you should get some shut-eye too"You inform him as you lay down on your bed, hand outstretched to him to help him get up. He takes it and pulls himself up. "You don't mind sleeping up here with me right?" You ask him, worried you would mess up any word that came out of your mouth. "I'm okay with it, scooch over though, Y/N" he says as the pulls up the covers to get in bed.

"Night G0Z, sweet dreams"

"Goodnight, Y/N"

(SO MANY WORDS, /1565\ I'M FINALLY DOONNEEE! Sorry it took so long, I was having a hard time keeping my attention spacifically towards this)

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