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I wanted to enjoy my peace and quiet while it lasts. I stayed on the beach watching the sunset. A small smile on my face when I could recall my first time being here. Well, from what Papa told me that is. My smile slowly faltered at the mention of Papa. Does he know I'm gone? Does the Crocodile know? What if something happened to my friends because I couldn't tell them that Tamara and Greg are two-faced bitches? Why did I ever trust Greg in the first place? I am ready to kill that little twit once I'm home. I just need to find out a way back. Which will be difficult because Pan knows everything? But I do love a challenge.

I didn't want to leave the beach. I wanted to enjoy the lasting peace I have. Which was short-lived when Pan returned. I didn't hold my groan in because I want him to know how annoyed I am.

"You can't just leave me alone, can ya?" I asked. A little smirk came to my face while he sat next to me. "I get it. I'm extremely beautiful and we did have something going on back then. But that doesn't mean you could just have people kidnap me and think everything is going to be bloody ok."

Peter actually smirked back. "You can't blame me for trying. But you know I always get what I want." His eyes roamed me over. I couldn't help but feel a slight blush come to my face.

I hoped he didn't see it as I said, "And what I want is rum. You wouldn't happen to have any..." I paused when a tankard magically appeared in my hand, "on ya." I looked at the cup before taking a small sip. The burning sensation going down my throat. I ignored it when I took another gulp, needing it after the day I had. "Not bad."

"The best part can't get drunk off this," Pan said as I took another swing. "Can't have my Lost Girl end up like a drunken pirate."

"Well, we wouldn't know because your Lost Girl isn't here." I finished the rest of my drink down before I got up and stretched. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find somewhere to camp that's not near you." Pan started to chuckle. "What?"

"I forgot how funny you were," he said as he slowly got up. "Thinking that I'll actually let you leave out of my sight."

"You left me here for hours."

"Because I knew you would stay here."

I crossed my arms. "And what makes you think that?"

He smirked. "Because a pirate will go astray but they will always return to the water. Not to mention I know you wouldn't leave. And even if you did I would have found you. No matter where you go I would always find you."

I will always find you. The same, not exact, words Charming would have said to Snow. But how would he know that? Wait, how long has he been watching over me?

I didn't let my guard down. "When have you started spying on me?"

He shrugged. "Why does it matter?"

"Well, it matters if you've been spying on me since I left."

"Not since you left," he said with a little chuckle. "It took me a few weeks to find you. Then I just had to wait till it was time for you to come back. I couldn't have you come back kicking and screaming."

"Aren't you the charmer?" I asked sarcastically. "Stalking a poor girl from world to world then taking her against her will."

"But your not kicking and screaming are you?" he asked back, amused by all of this.

"Because I haven't kicked your bloody ass till next week. Now you either leave me alone or you can take me back home to my family."

I went to walk around him but Pan grabbed my wrist. "Your home is here. And I'm not letting you out of my sight. You're coming back to camp with me."

Cause I'm Yours 》Once Upon A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now