(Marlon) Guilty

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You had been at Ericson since the beginning, Having being sent thereafter smashing up your  Mom's car when she refused to let you visit your Dad in Georgia. You were a troubled youth to the dot; A broken family, a history of vandalism, destruction of public and private property and violence, and when you got to Ericson it didn't change. You continued to be aggressive towards senior faculty, deface school property and found yourself in detention every other day.

But when the Dead started to rise and eat people, You were all abandoned by the people who were supposed to help you, You helped to look after the other students left at Ericson alongside Marlon, Both of you being natural-born leaders and two of the eldest. It wasn't an easy feat either, you lost so many kids over so many years, and as you got older, you blamed yourself for each one you lost. the spiteful, dull sting of guilt clawing at the pit of your stomach every single damn you walked past that makeshift graveyard.

You let out a harsh breath as you rest your head against the window next to you, Rosie was curled up on your lap, her nose buried in her paws resting comfortably on your thighs. Marlon, Louis and Aasim had gone out hunting a few hours earlier and you'd managed to convince Marlon to leave Rosie with you for company. Normally, you wouldn't mind Rosie going to kill some walkers but today, you needed the company; In the past month, you'd added another cross to the graveyard and you couldn't help but feel responsible, seeing as you were supposed to be protecting the kids left inside your walls. You felt guilty as all hell.

You aggressively wipe away the tears crawling down your cheeks, setting your lips in a straight line and staring into the unmoving treeline at the back of the admin building. You stiffened at the sound of the door open " Y/n ?" Rosie perked up at the sound of Marlon's voice and jumps down off you and towards Marlon's feet. You plaster on a half fake grin as you got up to greet him " Hey." He looked at you strangely, standing up straight from playing with Rosie, "What's up ?"  you furrow your eyebrows and shake you head " Nothing." He raises one eyebrow at you before placing both his hands on your shoulders " Y/n" you bottom lip started to tremble and your eyes started to water as you look away."Y/n ." He repeated softly. Your tears break your lashline and run freely down your face, you quickly hide your face in Marlon's neck. He responded immediately, wrapping one arm around your waist the other coming up to run through your hair gently.

"Come on, what's going on ?" He asked softly, resting his chin on your head. His rough hands combing their way through your (Y/H/L) (Y/H/C).A concerned Rosie prodded at your legs with her muzzle. Your own shaking hands moved to wrap around Marlon's torso."I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." You whimpered, still quietly sobbing into your fellow leader's letterman jacket." What ?" He paused his hand stroking your hair , and slowly guided your head away from the crook of his neck so he was looking into your bloodshot eyes. "(Y/n) , what are you talking about?" His hand cupped your cheek, keeping you from looking away from him .His thumb ran across your hallowed cheekbone, removing any stray tears " I-I'm supposed to b-be protecting these kids." You look up to meet his gaze properly, seeing his concerned and sad look." but for fuck's sake!" You violently pull away from Marlon's arms and throw open the window " That Graveyard gets bigger every month!" You shouted through the tears.

Marlon squeezes his eyes shut briefly before walking forward to meet your angry, crying frame. " I can't help but feel like it's my fault." Your voice quietened to a whisper as you turned around to face him again. Your shoulders sag in relief of talking about the unbearable weight that had been pressing down on you, suffocating you.

Marlon moved towards you slowly, before bringing you into his embrace again." You know it's not your fault, (Y/n). We can't help everyone and some times there's nothing you could do. But you can't blame yourself, sweetheart." His voice is quiet as he holds your cheek lovingly " we're in this together, till the end ." He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before resting against it.

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