Chapter 17

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At that terrible moment in our hearts, we knew the home was a pen humanity cattle ...

As the days passed on it got colder. New year's Eve crawled closer. He sat at his table in his office head in his hands. He picked up his pen and gawked at the blank paper in front of him, he felt the emotion grow in his chest, he tapped his index finger on the desk. He noticed that he wasn't getting any better even after all the medications he took. He pushed his chair out and made his way to the door. Once outside the clouds hung low and dark in the sky. He couldn't think of a single thing to write.

He decided to take a break from writing and wandered outside, the snow still dense from the past few days snowfalls. Sitting down on a bench in the center of the HQ he choked painfully, his throat burnt as it worsened. Blood splatted over his hand that covered his mouth, every day it just got more severe. He felt light-headed as he stood up after a few moments, and made his way over to the hall where all the cadets were waiting on him. All eyes were on him as he entered the hall. He was as pale as a ghost, he felt weak as they all saluted.

"Another new year..." He felt the stabbing pain in his lungs as he coughed almost making a raspy sound as he coughed. He held his hand up as he broke down in a choking spurt before he blacked out.

"Erwin...Erwin..." Her voice echoed in the silent hall as all watched Erwin fall to the floor. Her voice rose in panic as she gripped his shirt "get help!" Hange exclaimed. Her usual smiling face all stained in tears. Sam rushed over with some of the other cadets. Levi, Jean, and Conny carried Erwin to the infirmary.

Days seemed to pass and yet their commander didn't show any sign of recovering. They all knew it couldn't have been bronchitis, Erwin signaled at Levi showing him to come over. "Yes, commander?" Levi replied saluting at him. "Levi.." He said catching his breath. " I need to ask you two favors." Erwin choked again blood splatted over his hands as he held it in front of his mouth. " Let me first get you some help.." The blond male shook his head. "No time..." He said as he caught his breath. Sam and Hange also entered the room, Erwin gazed at them as he sighed. The breath stabbed at his lungs causing him to cough repeatedly. He could feel his last breaths being choked out of him as it felt like he was being smothered. "Levi. I'm making you commander of the scouts.." The blood dripped from his hands as it ran down and tinted the crisp white sheets of the bed. Levi shook his head as Erwin nodded. "That's an order, Captain Ackerman, " He took a short breath and looked over at the other two in the room. Both of them stood closer with red teary eyes but nothing dropped. " secondly, please make sure Hange doesn't do anything stupid. " Tears rolled down his own pale cheeks as he looked at her. She stood there like a statue. "Erwin..." Her own voice cracked as single tears roll down her cheeks " Please... You can't" she muttered as she then rested her head against his. Levi saluted at him and nodded. His face filled with remorse but yet he tried to hide it. Sam went to stand next to Levi. "And you.." Erwin replied as he looked over at Sam. " Free humanity, I know you have it in you." Erwin closed his eyes as he tried to suppress his cough. Sam could only nod as she stepped closer and planted a kiss on his pale cheek " for humanity commander Smith" she said and saluted as she followed Levi out the room.

"No..." Hange said as she sobbed she held his limp hand in hers he was so weak. " You. Must" he replied at the person he had fallen in love with sitting in front of him. Hange shook her head as she took a deep breath. " Never change." He said as he used his last strength to lift her hand to his lips. He kissed them softly " Who you are.." He then choked repeatedly " because you're the best person I know." Hange could notice his hand slowly falling as she held onto it. "I..." Erwin muttered, as his hand fell limp. Hange looked down as tears started to roll down her cheeks. "I love you too"she whispered softly as she heard the others enter the room softly she didn't dare look at one of them as they all cried in silence.

Once upon A history-Attack On Titan.(Levi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now