Chapter 3

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At that terrible moment in our hearts    we knew home was a pen humanity cattle....

The wind howled and hissed as it blew from up on the wall. Sam shivered as it felt like it crept up into her spine, although it was a sunny day there was a chill that hung in the air.

" You can really return home Sam." Levi said to the red head next to him. In the shadow of her silhouette he could see her hair moving side to side as she shook her head. "You know we are short handed in people manning the wall, and it will look good on my record when I apply to join in with the scouts...." she had been a cadet ever since Ackerman saved her two years ago, and told her many times before that he didn't want her joining the scouts.

"You will only slow them down" he said looking at her. He felt angered. She could see the anger in his eyes but she didn't dare to back down to him. "Listen and listen good Mr. Ackerman... all those years ago you saved me... I probably didn't deserve it but I can't even remember anything from before that night. And on that evening I silently vowed to myself that I also wanted to become a protector of the humanity" she placed her fist on her chest and her other fist on her back " And don't you dare stand in my way".

"Stupid...." he whispered underneath his breath knowing he won't be able to win the argument he turned and looked at the horizon he could think of a few things to reply to her but just couldn't bring himself to do so, so instead he continued acting like he would usually do. 

Hannes soon joined them up on the wall. They made small chat but deep down there was a heavy feeling in the air and it was overwhelming. " Stop looking so mortified!" Hange exclaimed as she walked over. " We havn't seen a titan near the wall for the past two years" her face fell a little " Although i wish we did so we can capture it...."she said as she looked up at them and smiled like she usually did when she got excited. "How on earth..." Hannes's voice died down as thick white steam filled the air.

The whisle of a kettle that's water just started to boil could be heard the steam as well was almost hot but more warm. They could hear a almost breathing sound , the white steam still to thick in the air to see anything. " Hange go alert all the regiments..." Sam heard Levi shout.

The wall shook under their feet as if there was a massive earthquake. "Sam and Hannes.... we must get down. The wall will be breached we must protect the city..." his voice sounded empty as she felt her legs quiver. Outlines of a giant face could be seen as the thick white steam cleared her eyes level with the titans before her. The wall shook again, dazed Sam turned and nearly stumbled as she struggle to get ahold of herself.

Adrenaline kicked in, almost a second to late as she managed to get on the rooftop of the building closest to the wall with the help of the ODM-gear. She heard the wall crush as the titan slammed his fist where she stood. 

Her legs were paralyzed, frozen as she stared at the colossal titan. His frozen blue eyes searched slow near the rooftops near the wall as if he was looking for something. The ground shook again.

Dust filled the air by the titan. The sound of cracking and falling stones were heard as the wall crumbled. A screeching sound were made by the titan and within seconds the titans started to pour into the city.

People screamed and ran in all directions. Finally Sam snapped out of it and made her way to the ground. She helped citizens as far as she could directing them to the boat or to the gate of wall Rose.

In the distance she could see children running in the wrong direction. Without thinking twice she ran in thier direction. Using the ODM-gear to travel, as she approached the children she already drew her blades to slice the three meter titans nape. Blood splattered over her face in small droplets as the titan fell to the floor. 

Sam knew she didn't have much time nor did she have any gas left in her ODM-gears gas bottle. But she ran to the children. "Come on guys..." she yelled as she looked at three children with frightened looks on thier faces. She took two of then by the hand and made sure the other one was infront. "Run to the end of the street... I will give directions.  " they ran, panic rose in her as she had forgotten the way, reaching the end she instructed to turn right and right there infront of them stood a ten meter titan.

Sam shoved the children behind her and muttered a curse. Is this really the end? The titan had a creepy smile plastered on its face. Thier eyes seemed utterly happy. Sam got ready to draw he blades only to realize that she had none left. " Listen kids..." she heard her heart drumming in her ears, the smell of blood and dust were in the air. " When I say run... we go left run up three blocks and then go right... we should be able to reach more scouts and better yet.. you guys can get on the boat..." her eyes never left the titan. The titan started to walk in thier direction. " Run!" She exclaimed as she turned and ran after the children, the titan caught up with them but they kept going.

The ground was cold and hard as Sam tripped over her own feet near the end. " Don't look back just run..." she yelled after them as she struggled to get to her feet. A piercing pain stung through her body as she could hear how her ribs broke. The titan picked her up crushing her. She could feel her body going limp as she could do nothing but await her death. This all felt so familiar to her. Familiar voices could be heard as she could feel she started to decent. The titan had dropped her its attention now at Hannes who's trying to mock the titan. "Come here you mindless freak..." The ground again were hard as Sam this time hit her head on the ground. She could feel her blood running down her head and face.

"Hannes.." her voice was soft and weak. The truth was she would probably be next after Hannes. As the tables turned the titan slapped Hannes as if he was nothing. Picking him up.

The last image Sam saw before she passed out will forever haunt her. His body split in two, blood ran down the sides of its mouth. Hannes was no more.

Once upon A history-Attack On Titan.(Levi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now