(Louis) 'You're safe'

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Imagine prompt: " Sh, You're safe I won't let you go."

   This wasn't how this hunting trip was planned out: you were supposed to check the traps, hunt down any scampering animals you could find, and return to the safety of the school gates. Hopefully raising spirits with your catches of a rabbit or another small creature for Omar to turn into a delicious meal.

Instead, you were running. Fast. Your feet hammering down against the dead leaves covering the forest floor, your heart matching the fast pace of your feet. The ambling dead shuffled towards your retreating figure, emitting horrifying moans and chomping their decaying jaws in your direction. I repeat this was not the plan

. You had gone hunting with Aasim, earlier that morning with your knife in hand and a grin on your cheerful face. You both left the gates having a casual conversation, ready to catch some Dinner. After checking the first few traps, Aasim had asked you to check the traps that spaced out further into the safe zone, bordering on it. This is where your day took a turn for the worst, The first two traps were empty ( disappointingly) however the third had snagged a quite plump rabbit. With a smug smile, you directed your attention to untying the creature and mercifully breaking its neck. Your lack of awareness leads to you not noticing the creeping group of walkers entering the safe zone.

And now you were running, The rabbit carcass still clutched desperately in one hand, a knife wielded in the other. You'd managed to take down several walkers until the group got on top of you. Thick streams of terrified tears ran down your warm cheeks, practically scared for your life. More walkers appeared infront of you, shifting through the tree line, screwing up your face and resisting crying out, you quickly changed direction and sprinted. The knife comes up higher as it digs into a lone walkers chin, killing the damned thing. Letting out an exasperated breath, you turn your head to see you had managed to lose most of the group that was stalking you, a few stragglers remained and continued towards you slowly.

Sighing a shaky breath of slight relief, you pulled out your trusty knife and sauntered towards the closest walker, you aimed for the creature's knee and impaled the knife through its pale head. You turn to the second walker and jam your knife through its jaw. You struggled for a second, removing your knife but soon got it back with an added squirt of dark, almost black, blood.

Seeing as you thought you'd dealt with all the threatening walkers in your vicinity when the sound of vicious snarling and the disgusting chomping and smacking of a walker's crumbling jaw sounded in you left ear, you had plenty reason the let out a horrified cry. Seeming to use the advantage of sneaking up on its meal, The walker bore down all its weight on you forcing you to collapse onto the forest floor, twisting your ankle in the process " Fuck!" You shouted as your knife and hunting bounty flew out of your hand and landed a few feet away from your grasp.

The tears in your eyes grew thicker with fear. Your hands flew to the things rotting shoulders, pushing it's snapping mouth away from your neck. The other walkers had heard your cries of fear and were now in their way to take part in the meal.

As you put all your effort into staying alive, thoughts and memories flashed through your head: The memories of Omar trying to teach you to cook and you failing miserably, going fishing with Violet and Chilling with Rosie on the step of the Admin Building. Then One person flashed through your mind. Louis.

The Memory, of singing with him while you sat on the piano, his awful dad jokes and him introducing you into chairles. The Tears flew fast a thick down your face as you realised that you'd more than likely never going to hear him sing again, or feel his lips against yours again.

Your world-shattering thoughts were interrupted by the 'whoosh' sound of an arrow and a walker tumbled to the ground next to your knife before You saw Rosie go after another walker. Suddenly, the deadly walker was smacked off of you by a familiar chair leg decorated in bent nails. Your breathing remained ragged and heavy as you stayed on the ground and closed your eyes in Relief." Y/n ! Are you okay ?" Louis's worried voice echoed in your ears and you sat up slowly, wiping away the stray tears before staring into his eyes, He quickly enveloped you into his arms and pulled you close " A-are you bit ?" Louis whispered into your ear, terrified of the answer " No i-i don't think so." 

Louis pulled away and held you at arm's length, " Come on let's go home."  You nodded shakily, trying to stand with Louis's hand. You let out a pained yelp as the pressure was put on your ankle " Damn it ." Your curse, collapsing again." Y/n What is it ?"  Marlon was also next to you, check you over " My ankle, I think I twisted it when I fell." You wince.

Without thinking twice, Louis carefully wrapped an arm under your knees and placed his other arm around you back before lifting you up ."We'll Get Ruby to check you over when we get back." Marlon then walked ahead of the two of you. Your breathing had slowed from its erratic pace back to a resting one, but your heart was still beating like Crazy.

You buried your head against the fleece on Louis's trenchcoat " I'm sorry." You mutter in embarrassment. Louis looks down at you in disbelief " Seriously, you almost died and you're apologizing ?" A small grin on his face, you smile back softly before your mood drops again. "God, Lou I thought I was going to die." He frowns and kisses your forehead softly," Sh, It's okay, I promise I won't let that happen, Ever."

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