
After an intense argument with the warriors and smoke signals going off, telling us that the scouts are here. And after Reiner and Eren had a little fight, with Reiner knocking Eren out. We're escaping I'm surprised that Reiner let me have my gear still on me, more smoke signals go off telling us that the scouts are near.

"Shit, the scouts are close. It's probably Commander Erwin doing this, if it wasn't for Eren we wouldn't be in this mess." Reiner said looking at back where the smoke signals where going off. Ymir looked back too then went wide eyed, "Reiner! Christa's with them!" Ymir yelled gaining Reiner's attention.

"Ymir! No! We can't! If we grab her now, we could get caught by the scouts! I thought we had more time but clearly we didn't." Reiner yelled back but then gritted his teeth at the thought of the scouts catching us. Ymir looked at me for an idea since I'm the brains of the group, I sighed and thought of an idea that could bring Christa with us.

"We can grab Christa right now, but the plan could go wrong in so many ways." I answered for Ymir's pleading. Reiner turned behind his shoulder to look at me,"Are you completely insane! We could die trying to grab her, let's just come back for her." Reiner yelled more like that's gonna stop me.

"What do you mean by the plan can go wrong anytime, (Y/N)?" Ymir asked me. I turned my head to face her but still looking forward so I don't crash into a tree, "There's a possibility that we can grab Christa, but it can go wrong anytime. Like if we wait too long and me or Reiner transform, we could be ambush by titans that Commander Erwin lead to us." I said still having endless thoughts of this plan backfiring.


"Come on Ymir, hurry up." I mumbled to myself, hiding in a tree above my friends. Ymir was looking for Christa as Connie and Jean asked her where Reiner and the rest of us were, as soon as Christa called out for Ymir she heard and ate Christa catching her and the group off guard.

Once Ymir got Christa, I jumped from the tree and landed on Ymir's head. Once Reiner saw us, he too transformed into the Armored titan running away from the scouts. But of course we had some more scouts on our asses, more arguments started up with Ymir switching sides I rested on the Armored titan's other shoulder listening to this whole thing unfold.

"So...all you're saying is that, I made this plan and almost risked our lives for your selfish nature. Huh?" I asked looking up from staring at the ground making eye contact with Ymir. Ymir didn't answer which made me more frustrated, "Damnit Ymir! Answer the damn question! Was this for Christa's safety or your own damn selfish life!" I yelled losing my cool I kept under control this whole time.

"It was for myself in the end of the day!" Ymir yelled her answer at me, then dropped her head looking down. I looked at Christa who was silent, "Christa, I-" But I was cut off once I saw a bunch of titans coming our way by Commander Erwin on his horse of course. Reiner then tried tackling all of them but then got ganged up by them, I lost my footing cause that's typical me.

I fell off the Armored titan of course Reiner noticed and tried to catch me but failed, at least he broke my fall a little bit. I landed on the ground with a big thud and a loud crack, I screamed in pain rolling over onto my side. I think I broke a bone, but I'm not sure which one but I know for sure that if I move it hurts like hell.

I was too forced on my brokering bone, that I didn't notice a titan crouch down and try to grab me. Once I turn my head over my shoulder and look I'm too late to see that the titan reaches his hand out, and was about to grab me until Ymir comes and saves me. Once I lay myself on my back Christa comes to my aid worried about me, only to be taking away from me and Ymir by Connie and his companion potato girl a.k.a Sasha.

"Ymir...we have to go after Christa.." I said though my pants of air. I try getting up but fall back down landing on the grass once again, Everything is sore even if I breath it hurts. It's like my insides are burning, I feel more bad as Ymir tries to keep titans away from my recovering body.

I feel like I need to take a nap but not in a place like this, a fucking battle field. Minutes later Christa, Connie, and Sasha come back helping Ymir keep titans away from me, I look to the side to see another titan about to grab me but Christa kills it. I just have to say is that she looked fucking hot while doing it, I'm sorry not sorry about it but I hope one day she becomes my future wife and has my kids.

I smile looking at the princess, "Good job princess, you need to that more often in my view." I laughed a little bit at her blushing face but then started coughing then groaning in pain...again. Christa ran over to my useless body that was still trying to fix my bones I broke, "Don't worry about us, we're don't everything we can to protect you. Just keep focusing on healing your body, and keep looking out for titans for us." Christa said holding my hand having beautiful blue pleading eyes.

I nodded my head with a smile grin on my face, Christa sent me her goddess like smile and let go of my hand to kill more titans. Bertholdt lost Eren to Armin because he brought up the topic of Annie being tortured, I don't know where Eren is but probably trying to transform.

Then out of nowhere I feel like lighting or something streak me, I think all titan shifters felt that. Then titans start attacking another titan which is weird, we took this advantage and started running I'm feeling a lot better but still sore.

Then Eren screamed at Reiner making all those titans that started eating the other one. Running at Reiner and Bertholdt ganging up on them, strange that's what exactly happened to me with that titan back when I saw the Beast titan. "Ymir, what's wrong?" I asked standing by her as she watched Reiner and those titans, she turned to me and patted Christa's head then did the same to me "Protect..Christa..for me..please..?" Ymir asked I nodded my head.

With that Ymir ran off to save Reiner and Bertholdt. Christa tried going after her but I grabbed her by her waist, throwing Christa onto her horse and following after the rest of the scouts and MPs. I would try to stop Ymir, but I'll let her go, after all we can't save everyone we want to.

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