Chapter Twelve

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Much to everyone's relief, Andina had recovered fully within two days. Granted, it had been with a lot of grumbling about being stuck in the Institute and plenty of aggravated huffs from everyone involved. The woman was truly upset with her family for doing what they could to help her. She insisted she would have been fine with heavy drugs and time, despite Magnus clearly knowing better. Alec hadn't been eager to point out that the warlock had a bit more experience than either of them.

She hadn't seen through the reason, but she had brushed past the issue with an arrogant defiance. And even Clary had begun to understand that it was best she leave the matter at rest and neither of them try to resurrect it. Though she still caught Alec, Isabelle, and Jace huddled together when the woman was away. They reassured one another that they weren't insane and they had done the right thing.

The illusion of Andy delving back into her work was just that, a thin veil that had thorns weaved through the satin. She and Alec were slowly wearing down the paper columns that had become accidental insulation in the old office. The young woman was looking brighter, pink undertones returned to her freckled cheeks. Her exhaustion had become less visible after hours of forced rest. She had slept like a brick the night before; all of her terrors had been ripped from her in the midst of her pain.

She had grown antsy, ready for anything to do besides sitting down and writing. Her leg had taken to bouncing against the floor and her right hand assaulted the edge of her paper. The desk was right underneath her. Just one more paper and she would successfully close up their backlog of reports. She barely managed to lift the pen as she finished up her sentence and moved to sign the bottom. It was strange to authorize things without forgery.

With a whip of the paper onto the completed stack beside her, she allowed her shoulders to drop with her arms as they met the cold wooden surface. It was clear. She smiled to herself proudly. 

Then the door clicked open, and she was met with a hefty mess of folders in Alec's hands. Her name had already slipped out of his lips assertively and she stilled. "I swear on the Angel, if you give me something else to fill out," the threat trailed off in her voice.

Alec's hand paused on the door. He was certainly glad he had come prepared with two things to tell her. "I was just gonna see if you wanted lunch," he said a bit cautiously. Her brows shot up. Despite their many qualms with one another, he was so glad to see the creasing of her forehead caused by shocked excitement, a soft smile back on her face. She nodded, elated to get out and away from work.


The sidewalk was lively with mundanes dressed for work amongst tourists and the occasional hungry shopper. Food trucks were like magnets just before noon. Luckily for all but the demonic, this group wasn't cloaked in shadows or accidentally parked on a convergence of ley lines.

Magnus shared a few words in flowing spanish with the vendor that owned the lime green, dented service van. His smile glinted as he undoubtedly mentioned something personal. He seemed to know every friendly face within ten blocks of his apartment, supernatural or otherwise. Which, based on how often he moved it, made Alec wonder just how many people he could call out by name across the city. He watched the men laugh as Magnus dropped the change he was given into the metal tray left for tips. 

Alec helped him out by grabbing their large drink as the warlock tucked his wallet away into his coat. It was a deep, darkened blue and paired with an equally toned red scarf. The king of coordination had of course adorned blue eyeliner that made his warm eyes pop. Alec chuckled as the man took one glance towards Andy, who had already wandered down the sidewalk aimlessly, and tugged a mountain of napkins from the dispenser before stepping away to join her.

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