Chapter Four

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Andina had made it pretty far whilst heavily under the influence. She managed to stumble through the subway and get off at the right stop, despite nearly nodding off while watching the tunnel lights streak past the windows. She sat at the back of the train, watching each fluorescent strip along the tunnel as it swept away from her into oblivion. No matter how familiar, the metro always had that metallic rattle and hum that made one anticipate the worst.

Her feet knew the path home well enough to guide her while she got lost in the nearly empty streets. Navy blue shadows of buildings loomed up above her, every once in a while broken by a too-short corner store or an old home that had burnt up and been abandoned long ago. Bits of gravel in the sidewalk glimmered in any light they could get from the fading and flickering lamps along the block. It smelled like sewage and cigarette smoke at this hour.

She had quite a time trying to close the Institute's bulky front door without its usual harsh impact. There was no way to stop the automatic latch from smacking into place, rustling all the gears hidden between the wooden panels. Andy gave up and abandoned it, soon fumbling over the buttons for the elevator.

Her plan was a rough goal of getting into her room and passing out until morning. She was starting to be met with the aftermath of losing herself, head swimming and struggling to keep her stomach steady. She shuffled out of the elevator, using the cold metal gate to keep herself upright.

Her heavy feet caught the edge of the hallway runner and she tripped into her door. Her head rested against the material for a moment, eyes drooping while she fumbled for the knob. Eventually she figured it out, slipping in and letting her door shut way too hard. She slid her hand over the wall until she found the light switch, trying to kick off her shoes in the process. She tripped again while the first was coming off and accidentally flung it off into the side of her dresser in her haste. Slowly but surely she found her way to her bed and fell onto it face first, greeted with a jab to her stomach.

Her head swam too quickly for her to notice her door opening again and two other bodies entering the room. Until Jace called out, "Found her." His voice was already sharp, as it often was in these circumstances. Alec followed behind him, clearly having just stumbled out of bed and disappointed to find his girlfriend collapsed in her own. The scent of stale alcohol already reached them in the doorway.

Andy lifted her head up so she could breathe uninhibited by her blankets. "Congratulations," She slurred, a sloppy smile splitting her lips.

Her brother's lips were turned up into a permanent sneer. His hair was wet from a recent shower and still dripping. "Where the hell were you?" He questioned harshly, for good reason. "It's been three days." 

Andy furrowed her brow. She swore it was just two. "You think you're gonna get through to her right now?" Alec muttered critically as he watched Jace storm further into his sister's room. The Lightwood wanted to chew her out just as much, but his desire for sleep without the white noise of them yelling was much stronger.

Jace shook his head, choosing to ignore his parabatai's advice as he stood over Andy. She seemed oblivious to it all, scrunching up her nose and shifting as she reached under her stomach. She struggled for a moment and eventually pulled a plate out from under her mess of blankets, tossing it to the side before opting to roll over.

"Where were you?" He seethed, trying to get her attention back.

"Out," she mumbled with a breath. The pressure was starting to build around her head. Her eyes fluttered shut in an attempt to block out the light. She should've stayed on the train.

"'Out'," Jace scoffed back at her. His eyes were ignited with fury, wasted on her in its entirety. "You can't even fucking call." The venom in his voice stung like spikes in Alec's mind, able to feel everything his parabatai was in that moment, and not just because of their bond. 

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