Chapter Ten

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Andy stumbled up the stairs to Magnus' apartment. She caught herself against the wall. Her mind was splitting, her heart raced, and she felt sick. Her head felt lighter than the rest of her and her eyes fluttered closed.

Her skin was hot, searingly so, yet every so often she was met with a chill that reminded her of winters in Idris. She had only been nine when her father had forced her to endure biting frost against bare arms. A punishment of his which he then set on her brother much too soon.

She glanced up again. The red walls tilted and wavered worse than any trip she'd had before, when she was young and stupid and trusted too many strangers. She had to snap her eyes shut again. A groan escaped her, hoping she could at least get into the apartment before her lunch leapt out of her. Magnus would not be too happy with her then.

Her palm found the door handle before she even knew she was at the door. She leaned against the wall, chest heaving from the effort it had taken her to get there. She had spent the morning on patrol around the city. Had she somehow gotten struck by a demon's venom? No, she felt worse than that, like something had gotten into her and shattered each and every one of her bones.

Magnus, inside of his home, had heard a thud against his front door and anxiously gotten up to see what it was. Just as he stepped into the hallway, Andy burst through the door. His eyes widened as she all but fell to the table in the foyer he had recently installed to hold keys and the likes. She caught herself with an unsteady grip and a picture clattered to the floor. 

He darted for her, glad for it when her elbows began to give way. She released a strangled cry that twisted his heart inside out as he saved her from toppling to the ground. He knew something was terribly wrong as all of her weight fell against him, unable to remain up on her own. She was trembling in his gasp and whines escaped her with each labored breath.

The warlock found himself calling out for his boyfriend in desperation, who he believed was still reclined on his bed. Alec was already rushing through the hall, concerned by the wail he had heard. He paused as he caught sight of the scene before him; the door to the loft hung open and Magnus had sunk to the ground with a body in his arms. Another cry ripped from the woman's throat that turned his stomach, urging him towards them.

"What happened?" He demanded, voice tainted with a fear that ripped into the pit of his stomach. He took in the sweat that glistened on his best friend's forehead, which was littered with lines as her face contorted in pain.

They waited restlessly for her to find a breath to explain, but all she managed through her gritted teeth was, "It hurts." 

Magnus pushed Andy's hair back from her damp skin. He called her name softly, asking again what had occurred. She only shook her head, eyes clamped shut as she was wracked with another bout of pain. She did her best to fight through it, a frustrated mix between a yell and a groan torn from her.

The warlock met Alec's gaze with a deep frown that was matched tenfold. "Help me get her to the couch," he insisted, starting to stand. Alec stepped up and took over completely as he picked her up, carrying her into the other room. Magnus shut the door and rushed back over, stretching out his fingers.

Alec set her down gently and tried to help her lay comfortably. She writhed under his touch. His heart had leapt to his throat, thrumming as he was shoved out of the way. Magnus needed space to ensure his magic wouldn't misfire. The Lightwood hovered behind him, hands clasped in an attempt to calm their frantic shaking.

The blue spark of magic puffed around tan hands as they waved eccentrically through the air. After a few moments, his motions had slowed and his shoulders had grown tense. "What is it?" Alec questioned harshly. Magnus tried not to take it personally; he was becoming well accustomed to how brash the man could be when his stability was threatened.

Overwhelmed [3] 《SHADOWHUNTERS》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora