episode 8: beach date

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Y/n p.o.v

The royal family, Matt and I have gone to the beach to have fun. Mr belt said he will stay behind because he is working on something for Matt. Once we got to the beach we got changed to are swim clothes. Me, Matt, Shuu and Haruka  are waiting for the girls to finish. Once the girl got out I blush a little when I see Akane swim clothes.

Akane: you like it?

Y/n: umm yeah I like it.

Akane: thank you.

She walk away and Kande came up to me.

Kande: so do you want to swim with me.

I blush red when she asked me that.

Y/n: a-are you s-s-sir?

Kande grab my hand drag me to the sea.

Kande: why not let's go.

I never seen Kande smile before. I smiled back and went in with her.

We have lots of fun at the beach. We play lots of game and there was some laughs. We were stopped and have are lunch. Then Kande walk up to me.

Kande: hey you want to go somewhere with me?

Y/n: sure.

I stand up and walk with Kande to somewhere.

5 minutes later....

We were at the path were we see the sun start to set.

Kande: beautiful is't it.

Y/n: yeah it is.

I realise she was holding my hand. I blush a little and turned to the sun.

Kande: you know weeks ago Shuu said that Aoi and Akane hackle feelings for you right.

Y/n: umm yeah sorry it's just...

Kande: don't worry you not getting your own heram.

I was confused.

Kande: well Akane see you as her another brother at alway products her. And Aoi may have feelings to Matt because he all way make her laugh. As for Hiraki well you know how she is.

Y/n: oh good I just hate see use fight just for me.

She then lend me close to her face.

Kande: if all of use do love you. We would never fight each other because we are sisster's and you are just a kind, brave rider that will do anything to protect our town from the roidmundes. No mater what we never turn agents one or a other for you. But I still have feelings for you y/n. And I (start to blush) I want.... you to be my boyfriend.

I blush when she said that. But I smiled and kiss her on the lips. She was shocked but kissed me back. It last for a minute and we stopped kissing.

Y/n: Mr belt said me this. " sometime in life we must think of the future."

Kande: you can always be a kamen rider. Just please don't get killed.

Y/n: when dose that ever happened. But still I promise.

Kande: I love y/n.

Y/n: and I love you too Kande.

We walk back to the rest of the royal family. We hold hands and walk off. This was the best beach day ever.

To be continued...

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