Start from the beginning

she never wanted to accept he was gone, she might never accept it, this wasn't helping

but she wasn't complaining either

"thank you" she whispers to them before running towards the fairy light filled blanket fort


lilith could've sworn the blanket fort was supposed to be smaller than it should be, and that the fairy lights were supposed to be brighter. even as a child lilith vividly remembers those damn lights blinding her and klaus more than once, ben would warn them not to look at it too much but of course klaus influenced lilith into doing it anyway

lilith looks around, hugging herself, fearing that she'd collapse into a ball of tears if she didn't hold herself

she continues to stare at the pink blanket fort surrounding her, a genuine smile on her face, her eyes were filled with nostalgia as various memories start flooding back to her

the most notable ones always with ben. she has the best memories with ben


she never once anticipated that she'd make new ones. not even in her dreams

she didn't need to turn around to recognize the voice. it may have been so long ago but the way her name was spoken told her everything. though it didn't excuse the fact that she was feeling a slight wave of deja vu

has this happened before? if so why couldn't she remember anything. lilith should focus, stay in the present, he was right behind her, all she had to do was turn around


he looked so beautiful even with just a hoodie on, he seemed just as happy to see her as she him. ben doesn't hesitate to run towards a frozen lilith, stopping right in front of her as if he thought it was god playing a sick joke on him

"is this real?" his breath hitches, watching as lilith lets out a chuckle and nod her head as a response

"it's real ben"

ben raises his hand for lilith to take, but she doesn't, for she knows the results and it could only bring her pain. ben however reaches out to her, but just as lilith suspected it goes through her like air

lilith closes her eyes, not wanting ben to read her. he's always known how to do that, especially just by staring at her

but even though her eyes were closed, it didn't change the painful impact of the way ben lets out an exasperated breath in shock and frustration as he realizes he couldn't touch her. " no no!" he yells out, grabbing his hair and tugging onto it roughly "i was so close...god please i just want to hold her..." he sobs, kneeling before lilith helplessly

lilith whimpers as he does so, a sob suddenly bubbles from her throat. she wanted that as well, to hold him, now especially more than ever "ben..." she whispers in a hushed tone, his sobs further cracking what broken pieces her heart had left

no hesitation, she either does this or die regretting it

"ben, look at me...please look at me" she sees ben shakes his head, almost as if he was afriad that if he did she'd dissapear

The Devil Wears Pink (Ben Hargreeves) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now