The Strike Begins

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Freckles woke up without a suspicion as she got her newsies up bunk by bunk in the line they were set up in.  They began going upon their daily normal. Charlotte's pale skin tone seems...  brighter? 

Freckles POV

I walked up to my brunette haired friend Charlotte to see her smiling like a kid in a candy shop! Her skin is way brighter and her aura is totally different from what she usually gives off! Something is totally up and I'm going to find out what! 

Charlotte's POV (pLOT tWIST)  

I went to the Brooklyn Bridge dock last night when everyone was asleep. I know it wasn't the best idea but it was totally worth it! 

I walked down onto the dock and sat down thinking until my brain hurt to even comprehend what was about to happen. Soon I see a figure sit next to me and when I go to ask who it is I hear

"Hey Char" 

Spot Conlon

 "Hey Spot" I greet 

"How are the other goils?" He asks

"They're good" I hum

We continue to make small talk until we see the sun rising. "Well, I'd better go" I say about to leave when he grabs my wrist and my brown eyes meet his icy blue ones as he said "Yous should come and visit me and the boys in Brooklyn, theys miss ya." And for once I saw him smile so naturally I smile back and accept the offer. As I dash back to the lodging house I think about what just happen 'Did he really mean what he said?' I thought as I snuck back in through the window by mine and Freckles' bunk. Part of me wants to believe him and part of me is saying to focus on selling. So as my mind swarms with thoughts I realize the others are waking up so naturally I get up. My final thought being 'I'm going to visit Brooklyn later'. 

As I get ready I just couldn't seem to shake the huge smile on my face. Freckles seemed to have noticed my behavior because she walked up to me asking  "What's up with ya? Ya lookin' like a kid in a candy shop!" She said her eyebrow quirked something she always did when she was confused about something. "Nothin' just a real good dream!" I lied. She gave me a look that showed she didn't believe me but she shrugged anyways and left me to my thoughts.

Freckles POV

As I talked to Charlotte I realized that she was up earlier than the other gals. I chose not to question it definitely not wanting to be in an argument today. 

As we walked up to our small circulation stand as we read 'New Newsie Price: Sixty Cents Per Hundred Papers'. We were furious so I stomped up the steps and slammed my fist on the desk looking at Mr. Barrow who has a wicked smirk I ask "What's wit the jack up?!" To which he responds "Hey now, don't look at me! Why don't you go talk to Mr. Hearst?" He shouts at me. With that comment I become even more mad. "We will split up half of us will sell and half of us will not, the younger ones will sell while the older ones stay home!" I say to them, to which they all nod obviously upset about this as well. 'What are we going to do?!' I think as I walk the older ones back to lodging house to make a plan.

'I think everything is okay,' I think until I see who's at the door 'spoke too soon'

(A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger I just ran  out of ideas )

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