14: Uman Caldo

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"...What is that?" You asked as you finally were able to cross the border. It was a disastrous five hour wait with two rounds of forms to be filed.

"Uman caldo! It's an easy recipe-- put the meat inside a pot, add onions, bell pepper, spices and then-- oh! Add water, the water should be level of the meat, then put the pot on fire. Allow it to simmer for a long while, then add the tomato puree and oil and stir--"

Ram's head soup. You thought to yourself. Not in the mood.

"It looks well prepared." You commented, cutting her off. "Could you tell me how to get to this address?"

Quickly, you handed over the paper and waited patiently as the older woman looked over it.

"I'm sorry, I can't read very well. Could you read it to me?" She handed the paper back.

Faithfully, you spoke it outloud and waited for her response.

"The candy store? Really? You do seem like you might have a sweet tooth. Take a left, then an immediate right, then..."

You listened carefully to the instructions, wishing you were able to write them down. However, the years of memory training at Wammy's meant that you were highly unlikely to fail at remembering them.

Within an hour you saw the shop in front of you and without hesitation you walked in. It was almost a replica of the shop back in Bolivia. Somewhat of a comfort, you walked up to the woman who was at the register and inquired about who they were.

"Are you related to the woman who runs the candy shop across the border?" You asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"She told me to come here to inquire about my strange, European, hunch-backed husband who has gone missing. Please, I'm desperate to find him." You begged with wide eyes. You were desperate and that not only shone through your tone of voice, but through your appearance.

It had been a long while since you had washed up, changed or even bothered to run your fingers through your hair. You were sure that people thought you were the lost one, rather than Lawliet. It certainly appeared so, but luckily you spoke the languages flawlessly, comforting the locals just enough to not call local authorities.

After a moment and a sigh, she turned and retreated to a back room.

Confused, you waited. What else was there to do? Wander around hopelessly? This was the only lead you had, and although it could have been Lawliet, it easily could have been thousands of other people. But sooner, rather than later, the woman returned with another woman, older than her.

 And that older woman had a book.

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