13: I ❤️ U

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As you walked up to the counter, bringing your stash of candies and sweets, you smiled and began speaking in Spanish.

"Hello, how are you today?" You inquired.

"Wonderful, wonderful, it's been busy which helps the day go by. And how about yourself?" The woman at the counter replied.

"Not the best, I've been looking for my husband, you see, he's lost and I can't seem to find him." You frowned as you explained your predicament. Of course, you didn't relay him as a boyfriend-- you quickly learned that it led people to believe your problem wasn't so serious.

"Oh? Is he Bolivian?" She inquired, eyeing you curiously. It wasn't normal to get a lot of foreigners around here.

"No, a quarter English, a quarter Japanese, a quarter French, and a quarter Russian." You quietly rattled off. "He just was traveling the Andes... Men are so dumb, aren't they? Anyway, his name is L and he's 25 years old, with black hair. He's 179 cm tall but only about 50 kg. I ask you because he, much like myself, absolutely loves sweets so if he was here, he would have come to this shop."

The woman looked a bit taken aback, both by the fluency in which your poured out this information and by the actual request.

"I know it's a lot, but if you've seen him or heard of him I would love to know. I dearly miss him." You sighed and handed over cash to pay for the sweet foods.

"You know, my husband's cousin works at a sweet shop just over the border and she mentioned a strange character coming into her shop a few months back. Foreigners really don't come here much so I remember her saying she met a 'hunched European man who spoke flawless Spanish and Quechua'. Does that sound like him?"

"YES! Yes that sounds just like him! Could you please tell me how to get to your husband's cousin's shop!?" You nearly broke into tears.

"Sure, if that would help you." She smiled and took out some spare paper, jotting down what seemed to be an address on one side. "I'll write some directions on the other side. Maybe it's a day walk away.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" You practically ripped the paper from the woman, grabbed your snacks and started back on your way.

Immediately, your heart was aflutter and your spirits perked up. It had to be him. Who else could it possibly be?! He was alive! Alive! ALIVE! You were practically screaming in your head, as not to scare the normal people walking on the street.

The woman at the counter was right though, the traveling would take a while. And it was hard to contain yourself as the journey began. As you walked, you checked if you still had your passport to cross over the border and after reassuring yourself, continued on with a smile. You were reinvigorated. You were full of hope.

In fact, you pulled out your cell phone and looked at one of the pictures that inspired a fair amount of hope in you.

The note. To remind you of how Lawliet felt about you.

"I ❤️ U"

I ❤️ U (L x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now