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It had been a week since Virgil had been kidnapped, but luckily they had gotten him back. Currently, Virgil was still unconscious with Roman watching him. Remy and Patton were coming back with food.

"Papa?" Patton asked quietly, "when is Virge gonna wake up?"

"I don't know Patt." Remy sighed, "he had some pretty bad drugs in his system."

Patton was quiet for a moment, "He... He will wake up, right?"

Remy paused, "of course he will Patt, he's stable right now. It's only a matter of time until he wakes up."

Patton nodded, then facepalmed, "oh darn! I think I left my phone in the car!"

Remy chuckled and handed Patton his keys, "go back and grab it, you know how to get back to Virgil's room."

Patton nodded and ran back out to the car. Remy continued his way to Virgil's room. He gave a small knock at the door.

"Knock knock." Remy said, opening the door.

Virgil opened his eyes and turned his head toward the coffee loving adult, "Hey Remy."

"Virge!" Remy exclaimed, quickly setting down the food he was carrying, "you're awake!"

Remy hugged the emo boy, "we were worried for a while there."

Virgil frowned, "what? Why?"

"Augustus was trying to start a human trafficking, sex slave ring." Remy spat, "he tried to get you and a bunch of other boys hooked on drugs, but ended up overdosing all his victims."

"Shit." Virgil said, closing his eyes again.

"Langua- VIRGE!" Patton squealed.

"Hey Dad." Virgil gave him a small smile.

"Oh my goodness! When did you wake up!?" Patton asked, hugging Virgil.

"About five minutes ago." Virgil said.

Remy smiled, "I'll get the doctor then."

Virgil tensed a little, but Roman squeezed his hand reassuringly. Remy ruffled Virgil's hair before walking out the door.

The coffee lover passed by rooms of boys recovering from their trauma. A curly haired brunett was awake and talking to a black haired boy who had snuck in McDonald's for him.

Remy sighed heavily. There were twenty-six boys. Out of those twenty-six, three had died and five were in critical condition.

A nurse looked up as Remy approached the front desk, "Hey Remy, what's up?"

"Hey Leo," Remy said with a small smile, "Just came to let the doc know Virge is awake."

"That's great!" Leo smiled, "I'll let her know."

"Thanks, you're the best." Remy said, "I'm gonna get back to the boys, we have some stuff we need to talk about."

"Alright." Leo waved him off as Remy walked away.

Remy could hear laughter as he approached Virgil's room.

"And that's why German shepherds are the best." Virgil laughed.

Remy smiled and entered the room, "I hate to ruin the happy moment, but we need to talk."

"Uh, okay." Virgil said slowly.

Remy sat down next to Patton, "Virge, your father had a kid that neither you or Pranks knew about. To be fair, he didn't know about the kid either."

"Okay." Virgil nodded to let Remy know he could continue.

"Virgil, you have a half-brother." Remy said.

Virgil's eyes went wide, "really?! Who is he? Can I meet him?!"

"You've already met him." Patton smiled lightly, "hi little bro."

"Patt..." Virgil's eyes got teary.

The emo pulled Patton into a tight hug. Patton sighed and hugged back.

"I'm so happy you're my brother." Virgil whispered.

Patton smiled, "I am too."

"And," Remy started, "it will help in the adoption case."

"Adoption?" Virgil asked.

Remy nodded, "since you mother is no longer here, and your father is in jail and no longer has custody of you, I can legally adopt you."

"That..." Virgil started to smile, "that sounds amazing!"

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