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T.W.: mention of rape/abuse

(Fun fact this is half of chapter 10 in My Secret...)

"Papa?" Patton called.

"Sup Patt?" Remy asked, coming out from the kitchen.

"Its Virgil." Patton played with his fingers, "he texted Roman a half hour ago and hasn't responded yet. We're really worried about him."

"That is really unlike him." Remy nodded, "okay, get Roman, well go swing by his house and a few of his hang out spots, see if we can find him."

Patton nodded and ran back upstairs, "Roman! We're leaving!"

"Okay! I'm coming!" Roman yelled, running down the stairs.

The two boys met on the stairs and ran to Remy, who was already in the car. Patton jumped in the front and Roman in the back. It was completely silent as they drove to Virgil's house.

Roman jumped out almost immediately when Remy stopped the car. He started sprinting to the old, worn door.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Remy yelled, picking up Roman, "Hold on!"

Roman struggled against Remy's hold, "I have to see if he's okay!"

"Roman, Roman listen to me," Remy said, "we don't know who's in there, it could be dangerous."

"Then we should go in and get Virge!" Roman shouted.

"No," Remy said, setting Roman down and keeping a firm grip on him, "I'm going in and if he is in there and if it is safe, I'll call for you, okay?"

Roman grit his teeth, looking like he wanted nothing more than to charge in himself.

Then Patton grabbed his arm.

Roman looked down at the boy. The worry and fear etched onto his face. Tears brimming in his eyes as he looked up at Roman.

Roman sighed, "okay."

Remy nodded. He left the two boys and walked up tho the door. Knocking received no answer, so Remy tested the lock. It was open.

The coffee loving adult pushed the door.

Everything was damaged and old. Glass was strewn all over the ground and various kinds empty alcohol bottles were piled up.

Remy walked in slowly, glass crunching beneath his feet. He turned a corner and saw Virgil.

The boy was unconscious, covered in nothing but blood. Remy rushed over, pulling an old, stained blanket from the couch and wrapping it around Virgil.

Remy listened for any other sounds of life in the house. When he found none, he ran back out to Roman and Patton.

"I found him."

Romans eyes widened and he sprinted towards the house and Virgil.

"Patton, grab my med bag." Remy said, chasing after Roman.

Remy ran into the house again. Roman was kneeling on the ground, Virgil's head in his lap.

"Virgil?" He cried, playing with the boys hair, "Virgil wake up, it's not funny anymore."

Remy placed his hand on Roman's shoulder, "we're going to have to take him to the hospital."

"No..." Virgil groaned, "no hospitals... no hospitals..."

"Virge!" Roman smiled in relief.

"Virgil, why no hospitals?" Remy asked.

"Scared," Virgil muttered, "bad, don't trust... no hospitals."

Remy sighed, "okay."

Virgil relaxed and winced, "hurts."

"I know," Remy said as Patton walked in, "I'm gonna help, okay?"

Patton handed Remy a brown satchel and sat down at Virgil's side, taking his hand. Remy dug around in the bag and pulled out some gauze and tweezers.

"I'm going to pull out the glass," Remy said, "Its going to hurt, but I have to, okay?"

Virge nodded slightly. Remy gently pulled out the glass. There were three large pieces and a lot of small pieces. Roman wiped away silent tears from Virgil's face.

"Okay, I'm all done." Remy said after he bandaged the worst of it, "can you walk?"

Virgil shook his head. Remy handed his med bag to Patton, then picked up Virgil bridal-style. Roman grabbed Virgil's hoodie and followed the others out to the car.

Roman jumped in the back and Remy layed Virgil across his lap. The emo boy whined in pain. Remy and Patton got in the front and they made their way back to safety.

"Virge," Roman whispered, "I grabbed your hoodie."

Virgil smiled, "thanks Ro."

"I love you." Roman hugged the boy gently.

Virgil sighed, "I love you too."

"Alright boys," Remy said, "let's get inside and get Virgil some clothes."

Virgil blushed and held the blanket closer to himself.

Remy picked up Virgil again and carried him inside, laying him on the couch. Patton went to find some loose pajamas for Virge to wear. Roman sat on the arm of the couch, right next to Virgil.

"Virge, what happened?" Remy asked.

Virgil shook his head. Roman took his hand, squeezing it lightly.

"Its okay Virge," Roman whispered, "no one can hurt you anymore."

"M-my father..." Virgil started, "h-he beat me. H-he found out a-and h-he's homo-homophobic a-and h-he hurt me."

"Did he hit you with bottles?" Remy asked.

Virgil nodded, "a-and he... h-he-"

Roman squeezed his hand again. Virgil took a deep breath.

"H-he r-raped me."

Roman gasped. Remy wiped tears from the emo boys face.

"You're alright now Virge." Remy said, "he's not gonna hurt you anymore."

Virgil broke down, sobbing into Remy's and Roman's arms.

"I'm gonna kill him."

The three of them turned towards the stairs. Patton stood there, tears flowing down his face and a pair of clothes in his arms. Remy had never once seen his son like this before.

"I swear to god I'm gonna kill him." Patton growled.

"Patton..." Virgil whispered, "just give me a hug for now."

Patton's expression softened. He went up to Virge, setting the pajamas on his lap.

"I'm sorry." Patton whispered, wrapping his arms around Virgil, "I'm just so mad! You don't deserve this."

Virgil sighed and returned the hug. The others soon joined.

"Alright," Remy said, "let's let Virgil get dressed and then we'll put on a movie."

They all nodded. Remy helped Virgil to the bathroom.

"Are you going to be okay?" Remy asked.

Virgil nodded, "I-I think so."

Remy smiled and gave him a quick hug, "I think so too. You're a strong kid Virge, you'll pull through."

Virgil smiled, "yeah."

"Yeah." Remy said, "now go get dressed. I'll make some popcorn and put on Narnia."

"Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe?" Virgil asked.

Remy laughed, "yeah, okay."

"Thanks Remy." Virgil whispered.

He opened the bathroom door, closing it once he was inside.

Remy sighed. He was gonna be okay.

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