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     The front door shuts firmly behind me with a sharp click as I make my way into the house. The smell of spices drift from the kitchen through to house letting me know exactly where my wife is. The thought brings a smile to my face and I take my time going to her. "Daddy!" I whip my head towards the voice as my eight year old Nathan runs downs the stairs towards me.

     I bend down just as he crashes into my chest letting his short arms wrap around my neck. My little Nate wasn't exactly planned, but I still loved him. I still remember how Amber broke the news to me. We were having dinner and our twins came downstairs with new shirts. One of them said future big brother and the other one said future big sister. At least it wasn't as big as a surprise as learning her first pregnancy was with twins.

     When I let go of Nathan I ruffled his light brown as he stared up at me with his bright green eyes. "Your brother and sister home yet?" He shakes his head vigorously. I produced a single rose from behind my back. "Do you think you can give this to mama for me?" He took it gently into his hands and spun off towards the kitchen without a single word. He could never resist doing something nice for his mother.

     "My my where did you get this baby?" I hear Amber's angel voice ring out as I round the corner and lean on the door frame watching her. She was wearing a loose shirt and denim shorts that showed off her long legs. She leaned down towards our son taking the rose between her fingers and places a kiss on his cheek. When she stands back up admiring her rose the sunlight drifting in from the window illuminates the lighter shades of her hair.

     Watching her from here even with her hair in a messy bun and after her having three kids she still looked phenomenal. She always argued with me that she wasn't as hot as she used to be, but she could never convince me. There were slight changes to her body that never once made me think she was anything but perfect. I was so lost watching her I didn't catch Nathan's words as he pointed to me making Amber look in my direction.

     Her gaze drifted to me and she flashed me a soft smile and I felt like melting right there. Even after being together for twenty one years and married for twenty of them she still managed to make me feel weak. On our wedding day I almost fainted seeing her in her wedding dress, but I would never admit that to anyone other than her. Her voice finally snapped me out of my daze. "Want to tell me why you bought me a rose honey?"

     "Do you not remember what today is? Usually I am the forgetful one." I hide a playful smirk from my face as I was her looked stumped. It is a nice feeling to actually have the upper hand with her because she loves to torture me when I forget something. "Twenty one years ago today is when I finally told you I loved you."

     The memory of that night was engraved into both of our brains and we could recall it like it was just yesterday. We were both afraid to finally say it, but there wasn't a way to describe how happy we were when we found our the feeling was mutual. I closed the gap between us and her arms found their way around my neck while we kissed. "EWWWWW!" We pulled apart laughing at our little boy.

     "MOM! DAD! JULES HAS A DATE TO PROM!" My eldest son's voice booms through the house making us peek towards the front door just as our daughter Julia makes her way inside.

     "I swear I am going to kill you Miles!" She lunges for her brother and he barely manages to dodge her as he runs to the kitchen. She is right on his heels as the end up on opposite ends of the island in the middle of the room. Julia fakes one way and then sprints the other direction. She would have caught Miles if I didn't manage to wrap my arm around her waist to stop her. "Let me go! I want to claw his eyes out."

     "Settle down Jules. Miles go to your room I'll be there in a minute." He doesn't move until I send a glare his way and he books it upstairs. I feel Julia still trying to escape and chase after him. She may look like her mother, but she was definitely a mix of the two of us. She had her mother's rich brown hair that led to natural lighter streaks towards the bottom, but she had hazel eyes instead of honey brown like her mother.

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