Chapter 27

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"Alright boys that was a good practice. I'm feeling nice so I am going to end practice early today. I have a nice date planned for Valentine's anyway. Get out of here." My teammates scatter to grab their bags when a booming voice stops me. "Not you Jayden. You still owe me for that stupid stunt two weeks ago."

"Yes sir." It took no time for coach to find out I had got in a fight so he decided I would pay for it the rest of the season. I owed him an extra fifteen kilometers after every practice. It was the equivalent to roughly three laps on the cross country trail. Normally that would be a typically practice, but to do it after a full practice was a challenge.

I turned my body towards the trail and started with a paced jog. I decided early on that I would treat the punishment as interval training learning when to push myself. My legs and lungs burned, but I took it in stride. The punishment actually worked in my favor so there was no real reason to complain.

The running gave me more time to be by myself and just think. The fight that happened two weeks ago only started more rumors I was already tired of. People had started to slide stupid letters into my dorm. Most of them were warnings to stay away from taken women and some were unsigned threats that the issue from the party was not resolved. I dared them to come after me again.

My mind focused hard to maintain my breathing and keep my tired legs moving as I started my third time around the trail. The burn was really getting to me today. I tried my best to preoccupy my mind with something else so I didn't have to think about the strain I was putting on my legs. But, time after time my mind kept drifting back to Amber.

She found me two days after the party. She said all she wanted to do was make sure I was okay and to see how bad I got hurt. I told her I was fine and she didn't have to worry if I got hurt or not. I also thanked her for helping Alex get me out of their and I was about to apologize for Christmas when she just said she had to go. She told me she would talk to me later, but she made no effort to talk to me when I tried texting her. I guess I deserved that.

I shift my legs off the trail making the conscious decision to head down to the lake for awhile. I dipped through the trees hopping around them easily. My feet start to fumble to a stop as I see a figure sitting on the log by the water. I would recognize that long hair anywhere.

"Trying to steal my spot?" Amber nearly jumps out of her skin at the sound of my words spinning back to me. I hop over the log taking a sit of the opposite end turning my attention the ducks swimming across the water. I take in the silence for a moment before looking over my shoulder. "You look like I was the last person you expected to see here."

"Maybe not the last person." She finally tears her eyes from me and turns to the water. "Melanie told me about this place and said it was a good place to relax so I figured I would come check it out." I simply nodded accepting her words while I stretched my legs out in front of me. We sat together only listening the the wind and the wildlife around us as a thought entered my brain.

"It's Valentine's day. Why aren't you out being pampered by your boyfriend?" I winced hearing my own words come out of my mouth wishing I could rip them from the air. I try to catch a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye and watch her fiddle with the ends of her hair.

"He's not...He is not around today. So I figured it would be a good me day." That stupid inconsiderate prick. I took in a breath to think.

"Do you want me to leave? I don't want to.."

"No Jayden. Please stay." My heart leaped hearing my name come from her lips. I had to physically hold myself down to keep from spazzing out. I tried to open my mouth, but I could find no words to speak. Being beside her again robbed my of all my senses. All I could do was sit silently on the log with her.

I had thought through a few conversations in my head since Christmas of what I wanted to say to her when I got the nerve to talk to her again. But, now that I was right here I couldn't remember a single thing I planned to say. My tongue sat dry in my mouth unwilling to move. I opened and closed my mouth more times than I could count before I finally could form words.

"Look I have no clue how to do this so I'm just gonna say it. I want to apologize for everything that has been going on. How I acted at the Christmas party, not answering any of your messages, and the fight that happened a couple weeks ago. I'm sorry for all of it. I did a lot of thinking and I just want to see you happy."

I look at her with pleading eyes for a long moment before hanging my head thinking about how stupid I sounded. My ears start to burn hearing her silent response as I realize my apology was too late. I place my hands on my knees to help push myself up to walk away. "You know how you could make it up to me?" I spin back so fast it makes me dizzy. "I could so go for some Chinese food right about now."

"Absolutely." I reach out my hand hoping she would take it and she does. Her soft delicate fingers spread in my hand as I help her to her feet. I frown when she stumbles and ends up in my arms.

"Would you believe I actually twisted my ankle coming down here?" A rumble comes from my chest as she giggles against me. I pick up her arm and weave it over my shoulder. I bit my tongue trying to contain myself until she elbows me in the ribs. "What is so funny?"

"Once a penguin. Always a penguin." I erupt with laughter while Amber playfully hits me for calling her names. I lead us through the trees making it back to the trail even though it feels like it takes forever. "Oh screw this." I reach down scooping up Amber in my arms making her squeak and wrap her arms around my neck. Maybe she should get hurt more often.

Every few steps I try to blow my wild hair out of my eyes since it is driving me insane. I grumble, "I swear I am going to shave my head soon."

"NOOOO!" I flick my eyes to Amber and raise an eyebrow to her. Her hand raises up pushing my hair out of my face with a small smile plastered on her face. "I like when your hair is kinda long. You can trim it, but you have to leave some for me to play with." I swear her face begins to light up pink, but I could be mistaking it for the sunset.

I keep sneaking looks at her and can't hold back the smile that appears on my face from being so close to her. "You better not get used to this. You will have to use your own legs some day."

"Maybe. But, that day is not today. We're still friends right?"

"That's right Amber. Just friends."

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