Chapter 7

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     I am enjoying my dreamful bliss when I hear a loud knocking sound. I quickly realize it is the door leading to my room and not the one in my dream. I open one eye and groan hearing the knocking continue. "No ones home. Come back later."

     "Jay open the door. It's not nice to keep a lady waiting." I turn my head back towards the door. I shake myself awake realizing it is Amber's voice I am hearing. I try to clear my head wondering if I am still dreaming.

     "I'll be there in a second." I swing my blanket off of me and jump out of my bed frantically trying to find pants. What was she doing here anyway? I finally find a clean pair of athletic shorts and forget to grab a shirt on my way to the door.

     When I finally get the door open I find myself staring at Amber. She looks phenomenal as always and she is wearing my favorite white shorts of hers. I feel her arms crash around my neck in hug and my smile widens. One day I will get used to how amazing it feels to have her arms around me, but today is not that day.

     She finds herself a seat on my bet as I feel a little bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry for the mess. Alex hasn't been around much to clean up his side of the room." I pull out my desk chair so she can have the bed to herself.

     "Don't worry about it. I should have figured you would be the clean one anyway." She starts laughing and it sounds heavenly. When she finally pulls herself together again she gets an almost sad look on her face. "I'm sorry Jay we haven't been hanging out as much lately. Things have been crazy and I don't know what all is going on anymore."

     I reach out taking her hands in mine and hold them. "It's fine Amber. I understand." I feel my chest hurt when I see the the sadness on her as tears were trying to pool up in her honey brown eyes. "Hey. Why don't we go somewhere today? It could just be a day for us to hang out."

     "YES! That would be amazing. You're amazing Jay." She stands up making her way to the door with a giant smile on her face. "Oh Jay. You may want to actually put on a shirt before we go anywhere. Don't want any random girls taking you away when it's my turn to spend some time with you."

     I feel my face burn when I realized her meaning and immediately went to hunt down a shirt. I dig through all of my clothes and end up settling on a Tapout shirt that first a little snug across my shoulders. I make sure to grab my wallet, keys, and phone before making my way out the door with my mind racing. What did I expect out of this day with Amber?


     "Come on Jay! You can do better than that." Amber laughs while standing on my feet as I try walking for the two of us. I find her laughter infectious as I start to learn that neither one of us can walk straight if we are touching. The second we touch it is like two drunks staggering down a street.

     I feel my foot slip off the path throwing me off balance making the two of us fall. I spin to make sure I am on bottom as I hit the hard ground. I look to see her face buried in my chest and get worried that she hadn't moved. "Amber?"

     "Oh my god!" My stomach begins to knot up hearing her words. "Mel was right. You did get become a better pillow." I growl at her, but make no effort to move her. I was actually enjoying the feeling of having her body pressed up against mine and it left a stupid grin on my face.

     I watch her pick herself up and I jump up with her as we continue our walk in the park. Her warm arms wrap around mine while making our way past the creek. The sound of the creek relaxes me even though I feel my heart beating extra fast because of Amber. "Enjoying yourself?"

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