Car Accidents

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Car accidents are probably Wattpad authors number one way to kill off a character. It's a way they don't really have to give an explanation to why this character is here anymore. Not gonna lie, I have used the car accident trope. However I think it can be really effective if written properly. For example this is how I used my car accident. 

My two characters had gotten into an argument at a party. The female character was drunk and just yelled and insulted the male character. So he basically left, so the fight wouldn't continue. Few hours later the girl gets a call from the male characters friends saying that he was in a serious wreck. The hospital was asking for all family to be present at the hospital. When the female character arrives it's too late and the male character has passed away. Girl apologizes and flash forward to the funeral. The end. 

Wattpad authors like to use this for car accidents. 

"I never knew my parents. My grandparents told me they were hit and killed by a drunk driver. Ever since then I was an orphan." 

You notice how my short summary is almost a paragraph and then Wattpad authors have a sentace. It just proves how basic this trope is. 

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