Chapter 10

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     Everyone gathered inside of the blue tent, besides for Daniel who was too busy making the fire.

     "There is a GUN in here!" Stella whisper-screamed.

     Noah remembered his bookbag. How did my gun get there?! His mom reminded Noah about the bears in woods, so he brought a gun just in case there really was a bear out there. He had completely forgotten he had a gun with him up until now. But Noah still kept quiet about the situation.

     Everyone was freaking out and started to say random things:




     Noah was the only one that remained calm. "Wait, wait guys. CALM DOWN."

     Joyce looked at him with accusing eyes. She questioned, "Noah, are YOU the murderer? Did YOU set up the arrow that shot me? Is that your gun?!" Suddenly, everyone was looking at him, expecting an answer.

     "No, of course not. I don't want to kill anyone. Why would I even kill Jacob? He's one of my best friends."

     "Then who IS the killer?" asked Leanna.

     Emely snapped her head up. "Obviously, it's Daniel! He always happens to be in the right place at the right time!"

     The group in the tent thought about this. Emely continued. "Come on guys, going to the bathroom before the attack? Having a phone call right before Leanna and Charles fell in the water? He's the MURDERER!"

     Stella started to nod. "Yeah, you're right Emely! Maybe he is the one who did all this." Everyone started talking at once. Although all these points seemed to make sense, Noah still didn't think Daniel was responsible. He was kind, and if he was the killer, why did he help with the girl's foot?

     Noah noticed William was staying quiet. Wait, what's he doing? William was holding the gun, with a thirsty look in his eyes. Is he really going to SHOOT Daniel?

     "WHAT are you doing with the gun, William?!"demanded Noah. All the campers looked over.

      William looked at him like he just noticed he was there. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm gonna shoot the killer!" NO, how do I stop him?!

     "Okay, I should hold the gun though. I'm the oldest, and I've used one before." William reluctantly nodded and handed over the gun. Shoot, what if Daniel really did kill Jacob? I don't know what to do.

     Noah sucked in a breath and walked outside. I can do this.

 I can do this

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