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A family of five went camping in the local campgrounds and were reported missing after not returning for a prolonged time. For many days, the family didn't check into the hotel they were staying in, Gloomo Hotel. Four of the family members were found and confirmed dead in the campgrounds, but their youngest son is still missing. The murderer, Zach Nolan, has been caught and pleaded guilty. His sentence is still being decided.


Two months ago, a group of 12 kids went missing after going on a camping trip in Specky Woods. One survivor states that one of the kids in their group was the murderer. The others have also stated that the was a mysterious monster that helped them. Many speculate that it is just a story, but the kids insist that the monster was all black, had white eyes, and a bloody smile. Detective are now searching the woods for signs of this demon-like being.

     Joyce closed her laptop. Uggg, I really shouldn't be reading these creepy stories about camping trips. I'm going on one tomorrow, and I won't be able to sleep! She looked around her room. The clock on her wall read 6:37 P.M. On her desk, she had her bookbag full of things she would need for her school trip tomorrow. The plan was to leave on Friday before school, and return on Monday for the long weekend. She was nervous, because she'd never been camping before. Were there bears out there? Would they have enough food?

     "Do you have all your things?" Joyce swiveled around in her chair. Her mom was leaning against the doorframe. The week before, she took Joyce and her sister, Emely, both to Walmart for everything they needed, except for a few items, which they ordered online.

     Joyce's sister frowned. "Yess, mommm. Stop worrying, we'll be fine," whined Emely. She was right. It was a school trip. There would be an adult with them. What was the guide's name again? Joyce couldn't remember. Everybody in her class got the papers for the trip long ago, but she hadn't looked at them for weeks.

     Their mom was just superstitious. What could possibly go wrong?


Note from Stella (one of the authors of this story): hey everyone! this is our first book! make sure to comment and vote! your comments and votes are our motivations :)

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