Chapter 4

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     Noah ran away as fast as he could. I've gotta tell Daniel, he thought. He heard gunshots and screams behind him. Good thing Noah was always number 1 in his physical education class at school. He didn't dare to look back, the masked killer could be still be running after him. Are the others okay? He suddenly thought about his friends and that other girl he didn't care about.

     What if they're dead!? Noah shook his head at the thought as he kept running and he saw the sign that pointed to the direction where the cabins were at.

     Once he saw the glowing campfire he ran to fence and saw his friend and Emely, Leanna, and Stella sitting outside the cabins. The door was open too.

     "Hurry! Get inside of the cabin! He's coming!" Noah yelled at the top of his lungs. He didn't care if he lost his voice. He couldn't bear to see anyone die on a stupid school trip.

     Concern flashed in William and the 3 other girls' eyes and they quickly hurried in. Joyce rushed in and started to cry. Great, now she's crying, thought Noah. Her friends started to comfort her, but Noah didn't care, and he looked out the window for his other two friends. Charles ran in while carrying his glowing, spiderweb-covered lantern. But where was JACOB!? Oh my god... Bile started to rise in his stomach. They had left Jacob at the tents sleeping when the masked killer came. Noah felt sick. Jacob had probably been murdered already. Out of the corner of his eye, Noah saw Joyce hug the stupid teddy bear she found in the Cabin that morning.

   The masked killer suddenly appeared at the window making Noah jump and scream since he was the only one who was looking out the window on the right. He could see the horrific mask the killer wore.

     "I think he's gone," Charles said with fear in his voice.

     Stella asked," Who WAS that?"

     "W-we don't know. it attacked us at the t-tents. Where's Daniel?" stuttered Joyce. 

     "He said he had to use the bathroom. He should be back soon."

     William jumped at the sound of a knock at the door. Was it the MURDERER?  When Noah and Joyce told them about the killer in the camping site, he went into panic mode. At every small sound, he jumped. Every movement in the corner of his eye, he jumped. It also didn't help that Daniel, their camping guide, and their teacher weren't with them. 

     He saw Emely cautiously open the door. Once he saw who it was, he let out a sigh of relief. It was just Daniel. 

     Daniel came in with a smile on his face. "Hey guys. Are you okay? I heard some screaming! Were you telling scary stories? :)" Umm yeah, we WERE, until one scary story CAME TRUE. There was a murderer coming after us!

     "No! We were ATTACKED at the tents and ran here! There is someone OUT THERE!" Charles raved. 

     "Don't be silly, I know you're just trying to scare me! We're the only ones here!"

     "Why DON'T YOU JUST BELIEVE us? They said he was IN THE WOODS chasing them. Wait..." William trailed off, "Where's JACOB?!"

     Dun, dun, DUNNNN...

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