Chapter 14

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     "Eek! snakes!" Charles screeched. He thought about all those snakes slithering on the ground, ready to EAT them and drain the life right out of them, which made him think of William. William. My friend. Charles couldn't focus because of the tears in his eyes.

     "Don't pay attention! We've gotta keep going!" Stella says. Charles sucked it up. He was gonna live.

     Stella jumped forward, avoiding the snakes. The rest of the campers had already reached the end of the snakes. They turned back and saw that Charles didn't even move an inch.

     Charles' biggest fear was snakes, so he ran as fast as he could to the end. But before he could make it, he tripped and stumbled on one of the rocks.

     "NO!" he screamed. He was gonna DIE. He tried to scramble out of the way, but-

     The snakes injected their venom into his body, and he knew because he felt their razor-sharp teeth sink into his skin. Charles screamed as loud as he could, but that didn't do anything.

    The venom killed him almost instantly.

     Everyone froze and looked at dead Charles lying helplessly on the ground. His face was pale, and his mouth was wide open, in an "O" shape. Emely shuddered. Is that what's gonna happen to the rest of us?!

     "No... not again." Joyce cried.

     "JUST MOVE! Don't let it distract you!" Stella said. What's the point? We're all going to die anyway. Emely shook her head. She couldn't think like that, she had to keep going.

     "HE'S NOT AN 'IT' YOU PIECE OF JUNK!" Noah raged. Emely saw that he had tears in his eyes.

     "Don't fight! We're almost to where Daniel is! We can mourn about his death later!" Leanna said. Emely watched her walk off.

     "She's right!" Emely agreed. She and Joyce walked, and limped, after Leanna.

     Stella and Noah nodded and moved on.

They all jumped to the deeper pit. There was a rock 'doorway' the appeared, and everyone helped collapse it. Once it did, they all ran through. Leanna looked confused at their surroundings. There were rocks and wood scattered around the ground, gradually getting higher and higher. She stifled a sob. It's gonna flood, isn't it?! Slowly, water seeped into the cave-area they were in. Soon, the water level was at their feet. Noah got the hint and pointed the the rocks and wooden platforms. "Jump!"

Everyone jumped and made their way up to higher ground until the water stopped at the highest rock. Leanna caught her breath. Daniel was already there. WHY DID HE LEAVE US?! Does he know William and Charles are DEAD?

Whoosh. Crack. Leanna turned around. Noah had slipped and was only hanging on by grabbing on to the edge of the platform. "GUYS! HELP!"

Daniel quickly grabbed Noah and helped him stand. Noah's clothes were sopping wet from the water, but he was unharmed. Leanna was relieved. They were all safe. Finally.

"Kids, stay here with me, there's something going on." He gulped and pointed to the masked person. Okay, maybe NOT safe yet.

 Okay, maybe NOT safe yet

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