"I would like a Life Note, I want to be a Time-Lord, and I want to be Lights adopted twin." I said hopefully. God appeared to think over my wishes, before nodding to himself. Raising his hand he waved it, causing my entire world to go black.


"Tsuki, dear! It's time for school!" I heard someone yell as I woke slowly, my eyes blinking against the sudden light. I sat up and glanced around my room curiously, not noticing anything different about my room.' Wait, Did that actually happen?' I thought curiously.

"Coming, mom!" I called back, before getting up and running to my closet to look for my clothes. I sighed in mild frustration when all I saw was a uniform.' Great I have to wear a boring outfit.' I thought dryly as I began putting it on.

I gave my hair a quick brush before taking a deep breath and walking toward my door opening it slowly. Walking out into the hall I noted the house was plain and pretty average with nothing really standing out as different. As I made my way downstairs I spotted Light, Sayu, and my mother. It was so strange seeing character's that were meant to fake standing or sitting in a room, it was almost surreal.

"Hey Tsuki!! Are you ready?" Light asked with a smile. I nodded my head and smiled back, hoping my face didn't reveal how nervous I really was. Eventually it was time to leave and I followed Light out of the house, making sure to say goodbye to Sayu and mom as I was leaving.

My mind was racing with thoughts and it clearly a side effect of having a Time-Lords brain, after all why else would the Doctor me so sporadic . It almost seemed like I could process things at a rate far quicker than a human, in fact that was probably exactly what I was doing right now.

Even if I was average intelligence wise to a normal Time Lord, I was likely considered a genius in human standards. I briefly wondered if I would be able to create a mind palace like in Sherlock, would be interesting to try at the very least. As I walked down the sidewalk towards the school, Light walking next to me. I felt a pang of sadness knowing my adopted twin brother would soon fall into insanity.


I sat beside my brother as class began, my nervousness thankfully not alerting Light. I found that I could easily answer all the questions as if they were first-grade questions, which to be honest wasn't ideal as I soon became bored. Turning to look out of the classroom window my heart nearly jumped at the sight of a familiar black book falling to the ground. I snapped my attention to Light, noting the fact he was looking out of the window curiously.

'This was where its going to begin, soon Kira will rise and L would get involved.' I thought swallowing on anticipation. Not long after that thought Light was asked to answer a question, however I couldn't be bothered to listen as my mind raced with the apprehension of what was to come.

Just after class I told Light I was going to head to a library before heading home, I had to try out my new Life Note. As I was walked away from school I carefully opened my bag and glanced inside smirking at the sight of my own magical notebook.' Well, might as well try it out.' I thought, curious about the opposite notebook.

When I got to the library I made my way over to the computers and did a quick search for recent deaths.' hmm, Barry Redwillow.' I thought absently as I opened the notebook. I quickly wrote the name and cause of death, before leaning back to wait. Half an hour later I searched the same name up, pleasantly surprised when there was already a small article about the revival.' Now I can start my own legend. Hopefully, I will catch L's attention soon and maybe to speed that up I'll only revive those in the Kanto region.' I thought.

A few minutes later and I had logged out of the computer and was leaving the library to go home, my smile was wide across my face. However as I was walking back I couldn't help but wonder if I made the right choice, it was stressful knowing I now I had a huge responsibility to keep the world safe. I sighed softly as I walked up to my front door, at least I knew things would be getting interesting.

After greeting my mom and Sayu, I headed up to my room quietly. Walking in I place my bag and notebook on the desk before sliding into the desk chair. It had been a big day and it would just get crazier from here.' I can't believe I was getting this chance. I'm not going to waste it.' I thought confidently.

Opening the Life Note I quickly searched up and wrote thirty more names down, before closing it again. It was a good start, and unlike Light, people will notice the revivals far earlier then the deaths.

I placed the Life Note in my drawer, before locking it and placing the key at the bottom of my school bag. I glanced at the clock before deciding to get changed into more casual clothing, the uniform was getting itchy after wearing it so long.

Once I had gotten changed I slid into bed, deciding to take a nap.' Well, I guess it has officially begun.' I thought smirking slightly.' I won't let you kill L this time around Light, even if it means screwing the time-line up. Just you wait, Kira. There's a new piece in this chess game and I'm L's ace up the sleeve. I will win. No. Matter. What!'

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