16: sincerity

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Lisa was avoiding him and with good reason she'd admit.

It was for the best—that thought was reinforced after she fled from Jin's party, claiming she didn't feel too well (which really, wasn't that far from the truth).

Then again, she should've known better than to trust herself. 

There were countless times where Lisa should've distanced herself from Jungkook, including the first time they met at the beach. On the contrary, she ignored the warnings and chose to entertain his presence until she began seeking for it herself. 

It's not supposed to be this way, she thought silently as the memory of Jungkook's pained stare resurfaced before her eyes.

Although Lisa had never allowed herself to dream of a lifetime with Jungkook, her intentions to protect him from harm remained firm. He was more than a convenient meal and she feared that's all he'd think of himself in their relationship if he ever found out. It was only ironic that she couldn't protect him from herself.

Her facade was cracking and she was allowing it. 

While part of her longed to explain herself to Jungkook—to apologize and hope he could forgive her— the tales she'd heard growing up reminded her that one irrational move was all it'd take to be found with a stake through her heart. 

When Jungkook's calls ceded, Lisa tried to convince herself it was a good thing. Eventually, he'd move on as others do and it wasn't as if they knew each other for that long either (six months at most). He had his graduation coming up in June, a master's program to worry about and plenty of admirers who wouldn't mind supporting him through it.

Lisa wondered if it was too selfish to wish that she'd be beside him instead.


Two weeks passed without a word from Jungkook.

Deep down, Lisa had hoped it wasn't the end but a week of silence was enough to confirm that Jungkook didn't want anything to do with her. How could he? She was a fucking vampire who wanted him dead for all he knew. 

The regret in her stomach only intensified as she slipped into her apartment the night she finished her last schedule for the year. This time, she managed to finish two days before Christmas (a new record of her's) with hours of overtime dedicated to the project. There wasn't much she would've accomplished at home, anyway.

Seeing a text from Jennie, Lisa couldn't help but smile at the brunette's words. Although, her and Jungkook weren't in touch, their friends viewed their "fallout" as natural and still included Lisa in their plans. For some reason, Jungkook hadn't shared her secret and as conflicted as that made her feel, she was grateful. This time, Jennie reminded her to eat well after asking if she'd made it home safely and discussing plans for Taehyung's birthday.

After Lisa assured that she will, she strolled into her kitchen for a glass of water. 

Oddly enough, water was becoming her drink of choice these days. There was nothing particular about it other than that it didn't remind her of Jungkook nor linger on her tongue with a bitter aftertaste. Or maybe she simply enjoyed the dizziness that accompanied her poor feeding habits and how it made her forget about that night. Lisa wasn't sure.

The sound of the doorbell was what caused her to place the glass on the counter, confused by who'd pay her a visit this late. It was nearly eleven and the timing being minutes after she arrived raised her suspicions that someone followed her there. 

While she's had her fair share of stalkers in the past, matters never reached her home and Lisa grimaced at the idea of ruining her apartment in the process of restoring her peace.

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