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Just got Tagged by oUr-LoRd-DaViD

Just got Tagged by oUr-LoRd-DaViD

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1. Everything's strange about me.

2. I know I'm going to lose a follower out of this but I've never listened to K-pop before or am interested enough to try and listen to K-pop.

3. Sunset orange

4. My goal is to keep my book going on for as long as possible! But I'm not getting that many people reading my story so I might have to end it, but I do have a long plan for it. I keep trying to search my story but it never comes up. Maybe that's why people aren't finding it. I also hope my Todoroki x reader will go far on too.

5. 10

6. I actually have two! One which I can't really talk about because I haven't planned it out that well, and one which is a Hanako-kun x Nene Yashiro. If you don't know who those people are, check out the manga Toilet Bound Hanako-kun! It is amazing! Trust me!

7. I dont know, there are a lot of really good fanfics out there! I would have to go and check them all out first before I chose.

8. I'm going to guess it means favorite followers which I would have go with oUr-LoRd-DaViD and leileifrond for a reason only they would understand

9. I admire everyone as everyone is all so much better than me.

10. What? There are ships? I thought people just liked their songs!

I only have 10 followers and so I'll tag as many as I can


And ya....

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