Chapter 14

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Did you know that some people eat food when their stressed? Ya. That's what I'm doing. My face is full of food. I feel like I'm going to throw up for two reasons.

Reason number one: There's a girl (that looked like a psychopath) who was walking in our private woods, towards our camp. Not to mention all of the souls that I could feel behind her. I don't think that thing on her back was just some toy. I also don't think she was just wearing that mask for no reason.

Reason number two: I'm eating way too much at one time.

I finished my food (without throwing up) and immediately started the extra lessons with the other five of us who failed. We had to stay up to 2 in the morning until it finished.

Night was not easy. I tried not to think about the people in the woods, but that's impossible. All of their voices sounded vaguely familiar, but three of them were the most familiar. I kept thinking about their voices. Where did I know them?


I know now.

They were the people who captured me.

There was the girl who was probably the one I saw. Then there was the guy who captured me and argued with the girl. Then there was the other guy who wasn't talking, but muttering to himself. Since he was doing nothing, I'm going to guess that he was the one who teleported me.

If they are here now, what are they going to do? Are they going to take another child?

My eyes are heavy and I drift off to sleep with the questions still in my head.

Time skip

"No way!!!" Mina-chan yelled. She was unhappy that we had to do our extra classes instead of doing the 'test of courage'.

Aizawa gets everyone in his scarf, except me. He knows that I don't care about the test of courage thing and would be willing to go to the classes. He also knows that if he does wrap me up in his scarf, then I would teleport out.

"Ohhhhh?! How strange the supposedly superior class has six students failing?!"

That's where I stopped him

"Neito, your giving me a bigger headache then I already have." I say

That shuts him up.

I sit down to suddenly get shouted at in the back of my head.

"Everyone!!!" The telepathy pussycat yelled "Two villains have appeared in the arena! It's possible that there are still more lurking in the shadows! Those who are capable, head immediately to the facility! If you should come face to face with an enemy, do not engage them in combat! Continue your retreat!"

This is all my fault. I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't say anything. Sometimes, I am so stupid!

My head is burning and I now know that a soul frenzy is coming soon.

I teleport out of the building. I wasn't going to stand in there while everyone outside were fighting for their lives.

I see Aizawa-sensei and a boy with purple patches of skin dueling it out. It looked like Aizawa-sensei was winning, but I knew something that he didn't. That guy with the purple patches, did not have a soul. He soon found that out when he split the guy in three, but he was still able to talk and then turned into a pile of mush.

"Get inside" Aizawa-sensei said to the people who had just come to him "Ill be back soon. And Y/n! Didn't I tell you to stay inside?!"

My mouth was open to answer him, but then he ran off. It didn't really matter because the only thing that came out was a scream. It was happening.

I curl on the ground, trying my best to hold in the screams. Some shrieks escaped. I take a peek out from my tightly closed eyes. Of course, all I could see were souls. I was almost drawn to them. It was like I wanted every soul right beside me. Not the bodys, the souls.

I felt like my head was its own person. Each ache was agonizing, and made me feel further and further away from me.

"GET AWAY!" I scream

I could rip their souls out at any second without even knowing it.


They quickly get inside.

I hate this stupid quirk! Why did I have it? I got this quirk and the other ones when I was five. A very improbable age to get quirks. The cut off line is usually at the age of four, but there is a 0.00000001 percent chance of getting it at five.

I get to the side of the building and slam my head on the wall. It hurts, but it gets me back to my senses a little bit.

"Members of class A and B I... " The telepathic girl said "Hereby authorize you all for combat! We've identified one of the villains' objectives! The student named Kachan! Whoever Kachan is, as much as possible avoid combat! Refrain from solo movements! Got it Kachan?!"

They're after Kachan!

I look at the path In front of me. I can't just teleport in there because if I teleport too much I'll get a bigger headache and that's the last thing I want. Also I wouldn't know what I would be teleporting into.

I can't do this alone.

I run back inside.

"Neito!" I say and he quickly looks over to me "I want to find my brother and Kachan! Can you please help me?!"

He gets up and smirks down at me.

"Oh, so the all powerful Midoriya Y/n needs my assistance in finding her brother and some other guy."

"Shut up okay!" I yell with a smile I try to hide but don't succeed in doing so.

I teleport us outside and we start walking.

Onii-chan please be okay

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