I'm an engineer, I solve problems, not like problems pertaining to the...

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I'm in the storage room, looking for some metal parts to fix up my sentry gun, when there came a loud pop above me. Glass and sparks fell upon me just like that and the room turned black. I click on my flashlight and see that the bulb has popped above me like a corn kernel. Something powerful had made it explode. I decided to abandon my goal of finding metal, which seemed useless now, and try to see if there were other mercenaries out there that have experienced a power outage.

I can hear Demoman calling out there, seeming very far away. I call back, trying to reassure Demoman, even if chances are he hadn't heard it. I wasn't really sure if there had even been a voice at all. The dark was messing me. I nearly fall on my behind when my foot nearly tripped over something large on the ground. I beam the flashlight to get a better look and see that it is the medi gun, belonging to the Medic, but now left on the ground. The blackout must have startled everyone, but not me. I'm no sissy, never had been, and never will. I hear glass break in a room nearby and I go and investigate, in the likely chance that one of the mercenaries might be in there. The room doesn't look familiar at all, and the door looked like it had just been put in. I'd experienced some strange shit in my lifetime as a mercenary for Mann. Co, but this is stranger by a ton. They'd stopped shipping new supplies to upgrade the interior at around the year 1961, so the fact that something new was in here, made the feeling of hesitation more apparent.

I touched the doorknob and felt it turn in my hand. Another thing about this place was all closed doors needed to be locked, or else Mann Co's secrets would be revealed to the world. Unless someone careless had forgotten to lock this door when they had entered, then there must be nothing valuable in this room. More glass shatter behind the door, sounding like someone was intentionally throwing glass tupperware onto the ground to break them. I pull out my wrench and I call out to whoever is in the room to come out unarmed. I hear no more glass breaking after I announce that. I slowly open the door to see an outlandish arrangement of glass statues, with some already tipped over and broken on the ground. I realise that they are all statues of my sentry gun in various poses that is only possible with my wrangler. I do admit that I admire whoever made this at their skilful sculpturing, because it was extremely realistic. "Merci, Merci, it seems the Texas Wretch has returned to save his precious toys!" jeered a voice with a thick french accent. I turned to see the Spy looming over me, a mini sentry glass sculpture trapped between his hands. Except instead of fingers, I could only see sappers as skinny as a sausage that seemed to bend and contort like fingers.

Soon, the glass sculpture cracked and then exploded into shards under the pressure of the sapper fingers. The Spy began to laugh hysterically and shoved me back into the wall. I tried to get back up, but faced fierce resistance from my arms and legs. The wall seemed to have stuck to my body and was now preventing me from leaving. It felt like super glue had been placed all over my body. The Spy began slowly take off his clothing, all while watching my face with a leering smile. Instead of a male reproductive organ, there lay only a massive sapper that seemed to be releasing lightning bolts everywhere. A few of them slammed into my chest, and felt my body convulse upon impact. I felt so much pain, but no pain could ever be felt more than the pain of seeing my sentries, my children, being destroyed one by one by the lightning bolts of a giant sapper. I built them with my bare hands when I was sixteen, and now a sapper was destroying every single one of them. And when the Spy finished destroying the final sentry statue, he turned to face me. I tried to ward him off with my flashlight still clutched in my hand, but only managed to drop it on the ground. "I'm going to gut you like a Cornish game hen, you weasel!" cried the Spy at me and then he began to change. His body began to shrink and the sapper vanished under bloodied pants. Brown hair sprouted out of the Spy's mask and a soulless face with two yellow eyes on fire like hot embers absorbed the rest. I saw now that it was Scout, and began to plead to let me go. "Scout...We are family, I made you Bonk Atomic Punch™️ and we drank a couple of beers together just two days ago-"

"You never told me about Spy, never revealed that my father was by my side, and you dare to call us family?!!" screamed Scout, hands glowing green with concentrated magic. My words evaporated the moment Scout said this. I see Scout shake his head, flicking little droplets of blood onto my face, and crouch down to pick up my flashlight. "This flashlight, it has no use in a world unable to conceive of darkness.....Instead, it is a tool of creation. You know of this tool, Engineer?" I can only nod as smoke looking like it came from dry ice swarmed the flashlight in Scout's hand and when it cleared, I saw the golden wrench, the first wrench of its kind. "A wrench, that you used, to create mechanical life, shake the lives of many who dare oppose you. But now..." said Scout slowly, as the golden wrench flew up into the air and towards my head, "It shall be used to kill."

I tried one last attempt at forgiveness, but the swirling clouds of rage in Scout's eyes made me believe that he was beyond reasoning. But, I still tried, "Scout, try to control the magic inside you. Show restraint, please! Don't let it cloud your mind!" Scout tilted his head and replied with a chilling answer, "I have no mind anymore, and neither will you." I began to slowly pray for the pain to be short as the golden wrench sank deeper and deeper into my skull.

No Escape, a Team Fortress 2 Story.Where stories live. Discover now