Chapter 14(Reese and Alex)

Start from the beginning

the next day, I had the boy come over to the mansion. giding him into the game room I could tell he was nerves but determine to look as disengaged as possible. Reese was in the room sitting on the small couch watching television. the game room was big with windows that looked out to the backyard and brought in natural sunlight. Reese looked away from the TV as soon as he saw the boy enter the room. the boys yes narrowed as he stared at Reese as he walked over to us. Reese and the boy, I guess I should start calling him Alex by now. Alex and Reese where face to face staring each other down. I almost thought that they were going to get along, before Reese reached out and tossed Alex on the ground. when reese tried to get on top of Alex, the boy had elbowed him in the stomach and flipped reese as he got on top and wrestled with my son. it was at that moment that Melissa ran into the room glaring daggers at me, I guess for not breaking up the fight. she separated the two boys and placed them on chairs for time out. I when to my office to finish some paperwork. I hope I didn't just make a huge mistake.

"Can you read to me again, Alex." I heard my son say from the down stairs game room. Its been three weeks. Reese has been playing with young Alex, and I can say with confidence that my decision much like all my decisions as alpha, was a success. it was rocky the first week. there where constant fights and yelling. to the point I almost called off the arrangement. only after a week however, Reese started to enjoy Alex's company. The pair started to get along and play kid games together they also loved to wrestle but I feel that was more Reese then Alex. Alex I later found out was smart. When the boys would play bored games or any involving strategy. Alex would win every time without fail. Reese wasn't even mad when he lost to Alex. it bright a smile to my face to see my son so happy. Reese was changing for the better but he was still garded at times, if Alex was even a second late Reese would get impatient. he would try to play off his irritation buy saying he didn't like to be kept waiting, but I knew the real reason was because he missed his friend.

"Reese, I just got done reading to you" came Alex's reply."Pleas Alex you read the best please." my son was begging. I can't believe my son was begging, I've never seen this side of Reese. not even Melissa can get Reese to stay still for long when she reads him stores of the pack. maybe this boy really was magic after all. done with work for the day i decide to go check on the boys. walking closer to the game room I could here Alex reading aloud. the old book of magic he was reading from had been in my family library for generations.I thought it was impressive of an 8 Year old to read such an advanced book. when I got to the door and saw the pair of them, it was like a truck hit me. the realization washing over me and making me as pale as a ghost. Alex was sitting cross legged with the book in his lap, his laser focus keeping his eyes glued to the pages in the book. Reese's face was relaxed as he lay on the floor,but he was staring, not listening to the words.I doubt he even heard an actual word the boy was reading,no it looked as though Reese was transfixed...with Alex himself. my son was developing a crush.

my brain was going a mile a minute. how did I not see it, I mean he is young so...maybe thats why I didn't notice it right away. or maybe its not what I think it is, I'm sure if it was really what I think it is, Melissa would have said something by now. if Alex was a girl you would have noticed it sooner. that last thought had me running out the door and straight to Mag's front door. I need an elders guidance. she must know something."Alpha... you are just in time for tea," Mag's say's as here way of greeting."Mags i need to talk with you a moment, i have noticed...some things about the boy." Mags took a generous sip of her tea before she spoke. "About the boy...or about the boys relationship with your son?" the Alpha was stunned for a moment before recovering, of course the elder seer knew about Reese's affections."Mags what do I do, Reese is to be the next Alpha of the pack..." before Zack could finish however Mags interjected."what is there to do Alpha,there is nothing wrong with him having affections for young Alex."

"How will he produce a hire if he is not mated with a woman. This pack needs wolves of the Alpha bloodline to lead them, how can he make children if he is ?"Zack stumble's finishing his statement. Zack hoped Mag's would not think he was being prejudice or that he did not love his son anymore, because in all truth he could never stop loving his son.Mag's took a sip of her tea then spoke." the word for what Reese is Alpha,and not saying it out loud will make that fact change. your worried about Reese not being able to produce a higher. You have not realized the boy could just adopted from another pack or get a surrogate mother, to produce alpha children. you do know that Reese and Alex are not the only same sex couple in the history of our kind don't you?" Mags clams. Her words washed over the Alpha,the meaning in her words not lost on him. "Mag's the boy is my son's mate ?he questions. Mags gave a swift nod."how do you know?" The alpha questions again. Mags takes a second, looking the alpha in the eye and then speak's " we can see his future with Reese, and it's is rocky but will eventually become something grand. the boy is impervious to magic, the ability carried through his blood by a witch long down his family line. his ability will have a great unpacked in there relationship."

Mags said this as to not give to much information away to the alpha. She was not supposed to tell Zack about his sons mating, but felt it was necessary to do so.
"Mag's what should i do." Zack asked. He wanted to make sure that the boys stayed close, as to make the process easy on them. "Nothing to do but watch and wait for nature to take its course." Mags advised. And so that's what Zack did. He went home and informed his wife of mags words. She must have already suspected because she was not surprised in the least. As the years went by alpha Zack watched his son and Alex grow and follow there destined path. He watched his so grow more and more infatuated by the day with the boy. Making him smile like only a proud father could.

End of flashback

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