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A/N: Hey guys. Just wanted to say sorry because it's been a hot minute since I last posted. I decided to finish writing this entire book before I posted any more chapters. Plus I've been writing another book as well. This one isn't Ethma but I'm sure you'll love it just as much. I hope. Anyway hope you like the rest of the book I'm so glad it's finally done because I was just about ready to delete it. That's how frustrated I was getting. Also thanks for 1k even though I've been a lazy ass and haven't posted.

Ethan's POV

I put the address into the GPS in my car and we start to head off. I'm really curious to see who's house we are going to, I wonder if any of us have meet them before. We don't even know if it's a boy or girl.

We pull up outside a plain brick house and a figure comes outside. I recognize him instantly.

It's Glenn, the guy who hypnotized us.

Sister Squad: GLENN!

Glenn: Hey guys whats going on.

Grayson: We we're sent here on a scavenger hunt for the EYR. The clue said you would take us somewhere.

Glenn: I sure am, I think you guys are gonna recognize this place instantly once we pull up outside so I'm gonna get you all to put on these blindfolds.

Ethan: Sounds good.

Glenn: Alright, but I'd hope in the car first before you put them on, we don't want you falling over.

We make our way to the car and put our blindfolds on. Emma was struggling to tie hers so I helped her.

Ethan: Here, let me help.

Emma: Uh, thanks.

The drive was surprisingly short, I swear we were in the car for 5 minutes. We all carefully make our way out of the car, with our blindfolds still attached to our heads. James managing to fall over every little thing we come across.

When we get inside the building Glen takes our blindfolds off us. He was right, I instantly recognized the place.

Grayson: Yo, this is the place we were hypnotized 6 years ago.

James: WOW it's been to long since we've been here.

Emma: So why did we come here, are you hypnotizing us again or something.

Glenn: Actually yes, the next clue is that you have to be hypnotized and asked a question and once you all answer I will use the first initial of the names you give me to prepare your next destination.

Ethan: Sounds good but why couldn't you just ask us the question without hypnotizing us.

Glenn: Well if your under the state of hypnosis you will be 100% truthful, plus I wouldn't want to embarrass you guys in front of each other so if your all hypnotized you can't hear each other's answers.

Grayson: Well I'm extremely excited to see what crazy shit comes out of my mouth this time around.

James: Can we film it, I'm doing a EYR vlog.

Emma: You've been vloging the whole time.

James: Yep, I'm sister sneaky.

I just hope I don't say anything embarrassing like I did last time. I literally had my feelings exposed for Emma in the video we filmed 6 years ago.

Flashback August 27th 2018
The sister squad was headed to get hypnotized. It was going to be our second lot of collabs we've done and I was super excited to react to it afterwards. I just hope I don't say anything stupid like how I like Emma. Yea you heard that right, I like Emma, so what.
We arrived at the place and filmed our intro then it was lights out.
We finished after what seemed like 15 minutes.
We were under for 45 minutes. It's amazing what hypnosis can make you think.
It was a day later and we were all filming a reaction video to this.
We got about 10 minutes into the video and we were asked who our favorite in the group was.
"Who's your favorite person out of everybody here." Glenn asked me. "Grayson" I replied.
"Immediately." I said to Emma as I looked at her shocked. "Of course" She said
"That's weird I wouldn't say that right now." Dammit Ethan why did you say that. "What" "So Who's your favorite person" Grayson said. I needed to think of an excuse and fast.
Especially cause we were filming I can't have the fans knowing I like Emma.
"I mean just like you'll never know I'm not hypnotized" "Now you have to say" "c'mon now you have to tell us" "I don't have to do anything I'm not hypnotized." It was a save on my behalf in the meantime, but I knew Grayson would question me after the video.
End of Flashback

Glenn: Alright so it's time for the question. First I need to make sure everyone is under because last time it didn't work on James. Now Ethan who is your favorite in this group.

Ethan: Emma

Glenn: That's a different answer from last time. Alright so an E. Emma Who's your favorite.

Emma: Ethan

Glenn: So two E's. Grayson who's your favorite person.

Grayson: Ethan

Glenn: 3 E's. James last but not least. Who's your favorite person out of everyone.

James: Grayson

Glenn: Alright So now I've got the information and that we've come to an end it's time to wake up so listen to my voice as I count down. One coming back out of the state of hypnosis. Two back into the room. Three more wide and awake. Four five eyes open wide awake. One two three four five eyes open wide awake. Hey guys. I'm just gonna prepare the information.

Emma: That was so weird.

Grayson: Right

Glenn: So I have written down the coordinates. They are 34.135277 N and -118.21021 E. I've written it down for you.

James: I'll take that. Any hints on where we're going.

Glenn: Well the most common letter was E. I assumed because there are 2 people in the group that have and E as the letter of their first name so the location stars with an E.

Emma: Wait I know these coordinates, it's eagle rock one of the first places I visited when I came here.

Ethan: Well let's go.

As we are driving to the location Grayson blues out.

Grayson: So does anyone remember who they said.

Ethan: Nope.

Grayson: I can't be the only one.

Emma: I don't even remember the question.

Grayson: It was whose your favorite in the group.

Ethan: Oh I don't remember sorry.

James: Well my fav is daddy Grayson.

Grayson: If James and I can remember you two must be able to as well.

James: It's okay Grayson I recorded the whole thing we can just look at the footage and see who they said.

Emma: WHAT.

James: I'm vlogging remember.

Ethan: Shit.

Grayson: Just fess up now.

Ethan: Fine. I said Emma happy.

James: Very, Em?

Emma: Ethan Okay, does it really matter.

I'm Emma's favorite. I thought she literally hated me after the break up. This trip is going to be a very interesting one.

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