Kettle Beach

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A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a long time. I cracked my phone and had to get the screen replaced which by the way I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN AROUND TOO, so I've just had a cracked phone for the past two months. Also I fractured my wrist at a netball tournament and am in a cast so it's really hard to type. But now that my cast is coming off on Monday and my phone is still cracked, I can finally, well hopefully, get back to the normal schedule. Also I'm gonna be posting at the end of the day instead of the start.

James' POV

I checked the teams last night and I'm honestly so happy I get to see the sister squad again. There's so much to catch up on. I wonder how Emma and Ethan are doing, I didn't ask her when I saw her yesterday. 6 years is a long time to be with someone. They must be really serious about each other.

I walk into the EYR grounds and make my way over to the "PURPLE BOOTH". Our team color is purple, so they have booths that are color coordinated so we can find each other. There is also a button with each of our names on it that we have to push when we arrive so that the front desk knows when the full team is here. I see Emma's name already lit up and she is sitting over at the booth on her phone.

James: Hey sister Emma.

Emma: Hey James.

I push my button and sit down beside her.

James: Whats up, you seem a little down.

Emma: Well, actually, James I-


Ooooooo yaaaaay daddy Grayson is here.

James: Hey that's my thing. How've you guys been.

Ethan: Not to bad and yourself.

James: Amazing, Kylie is such a great person to work with I've learnt so much and made so many new friends like Josie who Emma already met at-

Emma: James.

James: Sorry. This is so exciting, THE SISTER SQUAD IS REUNITED BITCHES.

Ethan: Yea, really....exciting. Anyway, let's open the first clue.

I'm so excited to get sister started, how it works is at your teams booth there is a clue which you can't open until all your team gets here. So the amount of time you have to complete the challenges, and have a higher possibility of winning, depends on how early you and your team get here. There are 5 challenges and each challenge you complete, you get a riddle (or "clue" as I described it), and the first to make their way to the front desk on the stage wins.

Emma: What does it say.

Ethan: It says "Welcome to day two, your first destination is named after something you boil water in, the water here isn't drinkable until you boil it."

James: Well, what do you boil water in.

Emma: A kettle.

Grayson: Kettle beach, yes. You boil salt water and its drinkable.

Ethan: Well what are we waiting for let's go.

Emma's POV

We all walked over to the car park and hopped in Ethan's Jeep. This bought back so many memories of us all filming together in this car, like the Vegas vlog and when I tried meat for the first time. We pull up at the beach and start searching for the next clue. It's not a very big beach so it shouldn't be to hard to find the clue. We all split up Grayson goes to look around the water, James is looking at the rocks, Ethan is digging in the sand and I go to look in the little forest type thing at the back of the beach. I haven't been here since Ethan asked me out here 6 years ago.

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