Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing

Start from the beginning

He narrows his eyes at me suspiciously, as if realizing the fact for the first time. "And why weren't you wearing it?"

I sigh, "Because I..I can't handle it's power. Just like Thor said. It's just too much for me."

He shakes his head, "Whatever will I do with you, Little Witch?" He taunts, "You are incredibly prone to danger."

I chuckle, "You're right, once I'm better, I'm gonna suck it up, and never take it off!" I pause thoughtfully, "Thanks for saving me."

"Well as a wise sorcerer once told me, that's what friends do." He replies with a playful wink.

I grin and watch him as his emerald eyes light up and his lips tug into a small self-conscious smile. Watching his lips, reminds me of the kiss we shared not too long ago and I can't help but think about the feel of his hot lips on mine. I want to tell him that he's the most beautiful creature, and that everything about him is as radiant as the brightest stars in the galaxy. That no one can ever outshine him, or diminish his brightness. But instead I settle for, "Thanks for using your magic to heal me. I'm lucky to have you around."

Loki's expression shutters closed and he stiffens, so I add hastily, "You may be a pain in the ass, but you do come in pretty damn handy in a fight."

"I do have my reputation to uphold." He fires back, smiling coyly. His teasing smile lights up his darkened face; and I can't help but smile in return. Happy that I get to be near him.

"I like when you smile." I confess, the words bubbling out of my mouth of their own accord, as if I'm powerless to stop them.

Immediately his grin vanishes, and he looks away from me. Shit! Get a hold of yourself! I force myself to think of something else, wary that the blood oath will force me to speak the truth, by saying something even more foolish. "So are you going to tell me more about the language you and Sif made up?" I ask changing the subject carefully. "Or you just gonna leave me in the dark?"

"There really isn't much of a story, I doubt it will hold your interest." He replies matter-of-factly.

"Well if you don't tell me, then I'll just assume the worst and make up some crazy story in my head."

He shakes his head the hint of a smile forming on his lips, "There really is nothing to tell."

"What did you say?"

"That there really is nothing to tell." He repeats emphasizing the words loudly.

"I'm sorry what was that?"

Loki raises an eyebrow as he leans closer to me and hisses. "I said there's nothing to tell."


"I said there's nothing- oh forget it!" He replies throwing his hands up in frustration.

I snicker, "I'm kidding, I can hear you. I'm just fucking with you."

He rolls his eyes, "Of course you are Little Witch."  He leans towards me, "Have you always been this annoying?"

"Most definitely."

Loki leans back in his chair, and shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Come on Loki, if you tell me, I'll go back to sleep and stop trying to annoy you."

"Is that so?" He retorts cocking an eyebrow.


He sighs, "Alright, but only because you saved my life."

I bark out a victorious laugh, "You're damn right I did! Now the score is 2 to 3!"

Loki leans his head back and stares at the ceiling for a while, and when he begins speaking, his voice sounds like it's coming from faraway. "I first met Sif when I was 11 and Sif was 10; immediately I was awestruck by her golden-white hair. She had beautifully cunning eyes and like a moth to a flame; I was drawn to her beautiful smile. For a time, we were as inseparable as best friends; often escaping the palace to play together. Sif was smart, and she and I both had a knack for languages, so together we invented our very own language. We would speak it in front of Thor just to mess with him, teasing him with the fact that he didn't know what we were saying. But eventually Sif felt bad about leaving him out, so we taught him how to write and speak our language. Thor may be incredibly dense, but he is rather good at learning languages. Anyways, we spent all our free time together until one day Sif and I were playing and she asked me if I knew how to kiss. Of course, I'd never even considered it before and like most young children, I thought it was gross. But Sif said we should try it so that we could find out what all the fuss was about. I obliged and she kissed me. It was merely a quick peck on the lips..." Loki pauses to run his hand through his hair awkwardly, "I was only a boy, but I'd felt like the kiss was a beautiful life changing miracle. However, Sif didn't return the feeling; she simply shrugged it off and said that kissing was strange."

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