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10 years ago...

y/n's pov

I was playing at the park all by myself as usual. I didn't have any friends, so I was used to being alone; it didn't bother me as much. I had no issue with being alone, but what actually hurt was getting bullied just cause I had no friends.

While I was swinging, I heard footsteps approaching me. I didn't even bother to see who it was cause I already knew. It was the same every day; my bullies would come and beat me up and curse at me. I have always wanted to stand up for myself, but being an eight-year-old girl, I couldn't do much. I just had to bear all the pain and pray I don't get many bruises afterwards.

"Hey" I heard Vernon call for me. I didn't dare to turn around and face him. My eyes were getting watery already. I hated being this weak so much, but there was nothing I could do. "Hey, cant you hear me? You better get ready for some hard ones today" I gulped and nodded slowly. With that, Vernon called out for his friends to help him. They kicked, punched and pulled my hair. I felt so fragile as if I was about to blackout. Honestly, it was all too much for me to handle, and I was about to give up. Then I heard someone shout.

"You all, leave her alone. Touch her again or else" someone stood up for me for the first time. Even though I didn't understand why he was helping me out, I was very grateful. "Or else what?" Vernon snickered, pushing me. With the harsh impact, my arm ached so much, so I cried even more. "Or else this" the boy smirked and punched Vernon straight in the face. I gasped at the scene. No one had dared to do such a thing to Vernon before. I was amazed and stared at the boy with admiration in my eyes. "Hi, are you okay?" the boy sweetly asked me, which I answered with a nod and a small smile.

After that day, I never got bullied again, and the best part was that I wasn't a loner anymore. I had a friend, a best friend to be exact, Kim Seungmin. We had gotten so close in such a short time. We did everything together and were inseparable. He was the kindest person I have ever seen, and we cared for each other deeply.

Well, everything changed...


Hi everyone!! Sorry since it's only the prologue, it's quite short. It's my first fanfic, so it might be a little bad at first, but I promise it will get better :) (edited kinda)

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