Nihilos Draconum: Sacreia's Chapters (Chap 8)

Start from the beginning

Aneia reached for an old sickle atop one of the two wall shelves within the shed. The old blade trembled in her hand, the loose blade making a soft clanking noise as it banged against its handle. Sacreia stared curiously as her mother brought the sickle’s blade to her neck, the woman’s eyes brimming with tears.
The sound of tearing flesh rung loudly in the air followed by the sounds of metallic clanging as the scythe fell to the ground. Blood sprayed from her neck staining the walls and all around. In a matter of seconds her body fell to the ground chest first. Sacreia crawled towards her not exactly sure what her mother had just done.
“Mama…?” she whispered. One poke, followed by another, and then a slight shove. No response. Aneia’s eyes darted around frantically, as if recalling moments in her life, or perhaps seeing things that were not there.
“Mama…? Stop playing around! It’s not funny!” Sacreia cried out. Stillness. Aneia’s body had stopped its death throes. A large pool of blood lay beneath her cooling body, one that drenched Sacreia’s knees. The girl stared at the remains of her mother, at the blood surrounding her, eyes wide with the sudden realization of what transpired. She was alone. Her mother was gone. Alone in every sense of the word. A loud cry escaped her as she buried her face into her mother’s side. No matter how many tears she’d shed, it would not bring her back.

The door suddenly burst open, and one of the men that frequented the shed for her mother approached. He stared down upon the two of them and shook his head dejectedly. “A shame, a great shame… Stay here a moment.” He turned and shut the door behind himself. “The elf and her demon child have escaped! Find them! They most likely went for the woods!” A loud roar of men soon came after followed by the sound of booted footsteps against the ground as they marched into the forest chasing after a lie. The door opened once more and the man took hold of her wrist. “Come, don’t want them to find you, do you?”
Sacreia was practically dragged into Tyral and into his cabin, and into his bedchamber.
“Alright, you stay here. I have to go with the fools as to not arouse suspicion.”
The man shut the door behind him and left her alone. The room was vaguely familiar, and she knew not why. From the featherbed at the center of the room, to the many animal head trophies that hung from the black walls, to the blackwood tables and cabinets. It was if she’s been here before. When the man returned, she knew what would be expected of her, and the sudden realization that she is doomed to repeat what her mother would do dawned upon her. It was hopeless, there was no escape for her now. Burying her face into her knees, she wept softly at her current predicament.

The world around her melted away in a sea of darkness… When next she raised her head, she found herself within a black void, where nothing aside from darkness existed. A voice echoed all around her asking Do you wish to be free? Sacreia looked around for the source, but found nothing. The voice repeated itself once again. “Yes! I want to be free!” she yelled back at the darkness. Then you’ll need… A soft white light appeared before her followed by dark tendrils being shot away from an elven girl’s back. The girl resembled her in some ways, the pale milk white skin, the sanguine colored hair. Her eyes were not visible, hidden beneath long hair. My help. Only I can save you from this fate. You need but accept it. Sacreia stared upon the girl incredulously and scooted back several inches from her.
“W-What are you? Who are you?!”
I am you, you are me, one in the same, together, yet separate. Despite being directly in front of her, the girl’s voice still echoed all around her. As if she were the darkness herself. “That doesn’t make any sense to me! What do you mean?”
To tell you now would only confuse you further. Just know that I have the power to help you. That you have little time to argue and decide whether you wish to accept my help or not. Time is running out, soon the man shall return. You know what happens then, do you not? Refuse my help, and you shall become his personal whore for his remaining days, and then his sons’ whore and his sons’ whore. You will birth him many children that will be discarded, for that is the difference between you and your mother. You have the ability to breed with them, she did not. So, what will you choose? Freedom? Or to sit here and wallow in despair till you lose your mind?

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