I looked from the Judge to Jungkook, trying to read their expressions. The Judge expression was unreadable.

"Thank you, Plaintiff. Now, can I hear from the defendant why you are not in agreement with the plaintiff request, and why did you keep his daughter away for so long?"

I took a deep breath, here goes nothing, "Your honor, four years ago, I was eighteen when Jeon Jungkook and I dated. One night after taking me on a trip, I gave my virginity to him because I loved him and thought he did the same for me as well. Except when I woke up the following morning, Jungkook had disappeared and only left me with a note. A note where he pretty much told me good luck on my future and that by the time I would've read the note he would've been out of the country. I also have with me a copy of that note." The Judge motioned to the officer to collect the note, and I handed it over to him.

I watched as the Judge read the note, she then looks towards Jungkook and shakes her head. "Please continue." she motioned to me. "As you could imagine Your honor, I was eighteen and heartbroken to find out the man I had loved, did not care one thing about me. He used me. I tried calling him numerous times, and he never answered. Even after I found out I was pregnant, I tried calling him. Jungkook never returned to our hometown. There was no way for me, at least in my opinion, to connect with him. Therefore, I did what I thought was best, I started raising my kids on my own."

"Kids?" The Judge inquired.

"Yes, kids. Areum had a twin brother." I heard Jungkook take in a deep breath. I ignored him and continued, "Areum had a twin brother who unfortunately died of neuroblastoma a year ago. So it's now only Areum. Your honor, maybe I could've done more to make Jungkook aware of his kids, but I did the best I could've done back then. I was young and had to focus not only my kids but school as well. It was not easy and as much as I would've loved for their father to be there, he wasn't, he left with no way of me reaching him. I don't think it's fair for Jungkook to have Areum every other week, he does not even know how to pronounce her name. Areum already lost her brother, and I don't want her suffering any more than she already has by now doing house swap every week. Please take this into consideration when making your decision, your honor." I had to stop, I was shaking. I don't want to fight, I just want what's best for my daughter.

"Thank you, defendant. So you left him?" The Judge said, turning to Jungkook.

"I did."

"And you wrote this note?" The Judge asked, waving the paper I had given her.

"I did."

"And you are now whining in front of me about him keeping your daughter away from you. Do you know I am disgusted with men like you? Men that think because they look good, they have money, they can go around toying with other's people's lives and feelings. You wiped yourself out of those kids life. Not him, you did! The moment you walked away after sticking your member where you knew you shouldn't have because it is clear from this letter, you had no intention of committing or staying with him. You pulled yourself out of those kids life. I am absolutely disgusted by this case. How do you feel to know your son died, and because of your selfish decisions, you did not even get to meet him. I hope you live with guilt for the rest of your life. I am so sorry this young man had to endure what he has faced thus far because of your egotistical ways and selfish behavior. I cannot believe the audacity of you to show up in my courthouse with this extreme of a request knowing damn well you were not a saint.

What were you hoping I'd take a look at your name and grant you a favor? Not in cases like these. I hate guys who ejaculate their sperm all over the place without a care in the world of the consequences. Then leave the other person to deal with their mess. Which is precisely what you did.

Jeon Jungkook you will be granted joint legal custody of his daughter, while I would enjoy not giving you this, I can't unless the Plaintiff can prove that you are an unfit father. However, you will not be granted joint physical custody to have the child every other week. Two weekends out of the month will be enough. Your request for holidays is denied, except for summers, you can have her half and Seokjin the other half.

Further, you will pay for the financial burden that was placed on Seokjin while he struggled with both kids on his own. You will pay for his emotional distress as well as I am ordering you to pay child support. Seokjin, I am mandating you to go to therapy for healing as I cannot fathom how hard this must have been on you. Jeon Jungkook you will pay for that as well. That is my final verdict and Jungkook I hope I don't see you in my courthouse again. Go and be a man and a father."

The Judge said and slam her gavel down.


A/N: This chapter was a challenge. I hope it makes sense. BTW actorseokjin ask to a few chapters back to come in the book to have a talk with Jungkook (not exactly talk, but we are gonna go with that term)  so I added her as the Judge lmao! 

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