Are You Really You?

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This music low key caused me anxiety.

Pisces' mind and heart was racing. Sweat beaded on her forehead and she felt like she was on the verge of passing out. Her stomach twisted at the sight of the gun on the table and her suffering parents.

"Listen, we don't have to do this." She attempted to compromise.

"Oh but you do. You were chosen." Ophiuchus raised an eyebrow.

Words were racing in her head. She needed to choose her words carefully.

"Are you participating too?" She managed to swallow past her dry throat.

"Do you want me to?" The corner of his mouth curled into a smirk.

I can kill him. There's a chance I can kill him and end this all.

"It's only fair to." Pisces cleared her throat.

"Alright, I will." He picked up the gun and aggressively rotated the barrel and waited for it to stop spinning.

"1 bullet, 5 rounds." He handed the gun to Pisces.

It's a one in five chance. A 20% chance I'll kill myself.

Pisces placed the gun to her head.

"Ah ah ah, I didn't say it was your turn. It's your mom's turn but she can't do it for herself can she?" Ophiuchus rubbed his hands together.

A 20% chance I'll kill my mother. An 80% chance she'll live.

Pisces slowly pointed the gun to her mom.

I can miss on purpose.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Go stand next to her and push the gun to her skull." Ophiuchus crossed his arms.

Pisces felt like her legs were about to give out underneath her. She took small steps and eventually stood next to her mom. Her mom was letting out muffled protests, tears were streaming down her young but mature looking face. Pisces pressed the gun to her mom's head, her hands shaking violently as her pointer finger moved towards the trigger.

"I'm sorry, mom." Pisces shut her eyes and pulled the trigger in a swift motion.

An empty click

Pisces let out a desperate gasp and cried out in despair while hugging her mom.

"Damn, a chance wasted." Ophiuchus groaned and leaned back in his chair.

"I believe it's my turn?" Ophiuchus quickly yanked the gun out of Pisces's paralyzed hand.

Pisces prayed that it would be the bullet and kill him. So that it would be all over. Without hesitating he pulled the trigger.

Another empty click.

"FUCK!" Pisces screamed louder then she meant to.

"Oh ho ho, you wanted it to kill me didn't you. I'm not that easy to get rid of." Ophiuchus carelessly tossed the gun to the table.

"Your dad's turn." Ophiuchus ordered.

Of course he would make Pisces go last. Pisces took the gun again and held it towards her father. He had a silent and solemn look on his face, as if accepting his fate. He looked at Pisces and gave a small nod, telling her it was ok. It wasn't her fault. Pisces took a deep breath and leaned in towards her father's ear and whispered something in mandarin. Her father's eyes shot open and he shook his head furiously, trying to yell at her.

Ophiuchus raised his eyebrow in curiosity but he already knew what was going to happen.

Pisces reminisced on her memories as she was ready to pull the trigger on her father.

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