A Decision To Make

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"What was that noise?" Taurus whimpered.

"Something is wrong. Let's go back up." Scorpio ushered.

Everyone nodded in unison and began walking back up the stairs.

"Um guys, was the door closed before?" Taurus gulped.

"I don't remember shutting it behind me." Sagittarius answered because he was at the end when they came down.

"Oh no..." Scorpio pushed past them and jiggled the knob.

"Oh my god." Gemini breathed out.

"Are we stuck in here?!" Taurus began to hyperventilate.

"Calm down. Panicking won't help." Scorpio put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well I'm panicking right now!" Taurus yelled.

Scorpio himself was terrified about what would happen next but he needed to remain calm if he wanted to think clearly. Suddenly a loud banging came on the door, making him stagger backwards and almost fall down the stairs.

"Guys?! Guys?!" A familiar voice was shouting through the door.

"Virgo?!" Sagittarius called out.

"Something terrible happened!" She sounded like she was breathless.

"What happened?" Scorpio asked.

"Cancer...Capricorn...Libra...THEY'RE ALL DEAD!!" She screamed and continued pounding on the door out of desperation.

"What?..." Scorpio took a sharp inhale.

"Something was wrong with Cancer and then she killed them both. Then we found her dead too!" Virgo explained.

"Fucking hell..." Taurus hissed.

"I thought we could only die during the dares?!" Gemini spoke.

"I don't know what's happening anymore..." Virgo sobbed and ceased her pounding. You could only hear her soft cries through the door.

"Virgo, listen. The door isn't opening right now. I need you to see if you can find anything to open it." Scorpio said in a stable voice.

"I-I can't..." She sniffled.

"Yes you can. Otherwise, we won't be able to help you." Scorpio said.

"O-ok I'll try. Leo and Aquarius are with me too." She mentioned.

"Good. Get them to help you too." Scorpio said calmly.

You could hear Virgo's footsteps fade away and they were left alone again.

"Why don't we just kick the fucking door down?" Sagittarius suggested.

"We can try." Scorpio nodded.

Sagittarius tried taking a step back and kicked the door with full force. The door held its ground and seemed to dare him to try again.

"It's hard since we're on the stairs. I can't hold onto anything either." Sagittarius grunted.

"We should make use of the time and continue searching." Gemini said softly.

"Alright..." Scorpio sighed and they moved back down.

"Virgo found two numbers but they don't seem to have a correlation with anything."  Scorpio said out loud.

"I say we ditch it." Taurus crosses his arms. He was clearly at his wits end and was ready to accept his fate.

"We can't get out of this fucking house and we never will." He sniffled.

"C'mere man." Sagittarius gave him a comforting hug and rubbed his back therapeutically.

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