The sting made her legs weak so, Namjoon had to carry her even if it was half way to the hospital which was on the fourth floor. Yoongi was anxious at the same time nagging to Namjoon telling him that he should be the one who carry her.

"Namjoon, what a punk. You should ask me to carry her! She's my friend", he said.

"A friend? One thing, Professor McGonagall didn't even call your name", he replied and started to walk faster.

"What if you stop talking? Your friend is about to die now", Namjoon objected.

"I'm not about to die. My legs are weak, that's it! How rude you, Monster!", she, who heard the conversation interrupted.

Once they're arrived, Aurobella quickly asked Namjoon to lay her on one of the beds but, Namjoon was selfish enough until he just dropped her roughly just on the bed that was located next to the door.

"Nurse!", Namjoon yelled.

The nurse came by quickly, almost everything was handled by Namjoon and Yoongi seemed like a doll that has no function. He explained how she got stung and once he stated that a scorpion stung her, the nurse quickly checked the bruise that started to get worse. The nurse also asked Yoongi to go back to his class since he had no function there and nagged nonsense.

"Her face started to get paler!", Namjoon stated panicly as he held her hand.

"We need to call Professor Snape!", said one of the nurses.

"I don't need him. Just give me the Bezoar!!", yelled Aurobella in pain.

"Even if you're about to die, you still don't want to meet him", Namjoon interrupted.

"I'm just getting weak, you idiot!", she whispered.

The nurse came and give her the antidote with some water. Not long after, she fainted and Namjoon still held her hand.


It was a devastated moment for the past few minutes. She wasn't well enough to wake up. The venom weakened her body until she fainted for minutes.

Slowly, her eyes opened and one thing she noticed. Her hand was being held by a man he didn't now the name that he called as "Monster"

"Urmm.. Why, are you here?", she stated with a very quiet voice.

"If I am not here, you might not wake up", he answered savagely and still hadn't move the hand.

"Anddd... this?", she asked as her eyes were looking directly towards their hands.

"You grabbed my hand ever since we got here. I couldn't do anything instead of let it be", he said.

"If that then, let go of my hand", she replied quickly and tried to let her hand off his grip.

"Hagrid!", she said as soon as she saw Hagrid walked towards her.

He greeted her with a smile but, same as the past days, never a single smile she gave in return.

"Luckily you survived",

"Professor McGonagall mistook the creature. She supposed to take the one I already took out the venom. But, she took the one that I freshly caught in the forbidden forest. It was by mistake, by the way, I put those cages next to each other", he explained.

"This is rare! You actually survive! Mostly, people died. If not, they might be paralyzed", he continued.

"Maybe luck, Hagrid. I'm just lucky today", she replied as she tried to sit down.

"I make you lucky", Namjoon interrupted. Aurobella just glared at him and let him be on his own.

"Hrmm.. Little boy, one thing! You need to stay here until she'll be discharged. That should be tomorrow..", said a nurse walked towards her holding a mug.

"This is you pumpkin juice", she said with a wide smile.

"It should make you feel better", she continued.

"Oh, thanks..",

Hagrid kept on praising Namjoon along, he patted his shoulder. He said that he was proud of his quick action. At the same time, Aurobella couldn't interrupted but just rolled his eyes everytime Hagrid repeated the words , "Great boy, Namjoon is.. He's brave!",

That monster needs to stop whining to be brave.

"But, he isn't sincere helping me. Might be after this, he'll threaten me", she snapped and took a sip of the pumpkin juice.

"Huh? Do I need to say that I am? My action just isn't enough?", he replied right after.

"Okay.. stop it! The elders said that mostly a happy marriage starts with a childish argument. It's a sign of love", Hagrid said as he stood up laughing at them two.

But the two just stared at him weirdly as if he said nonsense. Hagrid scratched his head since he was embarrassed and said his goodbye to both of them, "My worm needs to be fed" as he waved.

And left both of them there and some other kids too. It so silent when Namjoon walked around inside approaching the window. Aurobella purposedly waved her hand once Namjoon was facing her, calling to come to her. "Hey, you know where my book is?", she asked.

Namjoon who was giving his hatred look to her replied, "they are still in the class. But, Irene promise to send it to you this recess"

"I don't want any visitors. You can ask her to pass the book to you this recess just DON'T let her come in", she quickly objected.

"Why, huh? You don't want anyone to know that your foot is swollen and, weird after you got stung?", he smirked.

"Are you mad? For me it's normal. Wait until a snake bite you, you'll get worse than this!", she said harshly.

~to be continued~

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