i love the dogs, and the cats, and the hamsters, and the bunnies, and everything we did todaaayy

and to think that we're helping the society through this mini event of ours, it's too much to make my heart happy

i may be tired, but im fulfilled

im glad you're making the world a better place arin

and you know what?

you make my world a better place too

suddenly, im not tired now that im talking to you


uhm? what does that mean?

translation: you're a flirt

only to youuu

damn, i miss your filipino words

but i miss you moreee

i miss you too u lil bitch

and this may be random, but i tripped earlier hahaha just thought that i'll let you know

are you okay?

just a few scrapes here and there

but eh, that's nothing new, i always trip and fall down most of the time anyway

did you treat it already? disinfect it? put bandage?


lately, you talk like an old man hahaha

wooseok oppa has his influence on you huh?

first, dont let wooseok hyung know that you called him old, he's partly satan personified

second, im just worried about you

im always worried about you, arin

i used to be the one who'll provide bandages for you, but now, i cant even do that

im sorry

dont say sorry!!

one way or another, i gotta be independent

we cant let our worlds revolve with just eachother, that's toxic and unhealthy

besides, im your bestfriend, your special person, not someone you babysit

point taken

but for the record, i'll still baby you if i could

alright, whatever you say...

you'll always be my baby

and that sounded weird

it does hahaha

im sorry im just tired

it's okayyy


yoh, i have some bad news

what is it?

i ran out of milk :(((((

and i still wanna eat more cereal :((((


ill make someone deliver a milk to you, wait


i mean, everyone's almost asleep now, dont bother

but you want milk...

on second thought i dont haha

thanks for the effort yoh, but i figured i should just go back to sleep now

is it near your turn to use the shower already?

actually, my turn has passed for 2 times already...

why didnt you tell me?!

i still wanna talk to you

ughh go wash up now yoh

talk to you tomorrow

take care, goodnight, ily!

i love you, goodnight


i found a carton of milk in my doorstep the following morning

yoh sure has magic in things like this

he isnt one of the nation's centers for nothing

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