The Clone Wars - Chapter I

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War had erupted throughout the Galaxy; for many, the Clone Wars was a treacherous time. For others, it was a right of freedom; a freedom from the tight clutch of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Count Dooku ruled ruthlessly over the CIS, ensuring that every order issued from his shadowed overlord was followed without flaw. Then there was the Republic; an opposing party which was part run, by the renowned Jedi Order - and the Republic enforced an equal Democracy within itself.

It was because of the Clone Wars, the Galaxy was left divided; great generals emerged on both sides of the conflict, and leaders that were formerly friends, were now enemies. Among these emerging generals, was a Jedi who was renowned for multiple feats, earning him the title 'The Jedi with no Fear'. This Jedi, was the Jedi Order's greatest hope, the prophesied Chosen One,

Anakin Skywalker.

A Jedi Knight, mastered by the great Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin was said to be the Chosen One; the one who would bring balance to the Force, and destroy the Sith.

"Commander, where are my reinforcements?!" enforced Anakin through his Comlink.

"General Skywalker, our men are divided among the territories, we can't spare any more reinforcements for you right now - you're going to have to make do with what you have, and try to regroup with General Kloon, three clicks East from your current position."

"Commander, I-!" - the Comlink cut off, and Anakin still had his lips positioned for his next words. He stayed like that for a moment, distilled with a hidden emotion, a frustration screaming in his mind. No time for that; he then realised he needed to focus - Qui-Gonn instilled in him the belief that true focus comes from concentrating on the moment; not thinking about it.

Anakin had to think quickly; the war effort on Taris relied heavily on the strategy Anakin's 501st had to execute, and the Republic would suffer greatly if they were to fail. Anakin looked around for a moment, and analysed the situation, it was not looking good; the CIS had pushed Republic troops towards the border of the city, already gaining the centre of its Capital and steadily, more and more ground became a part of the mechanical monster that was the merciless army of Count Dooku. The Republic were at a choke point and without a proper strategy, they were doomed to fail.

Anakin looked for his Second in Command, Captain Rex, and ushered him over along with a few other officers and gathered them around a holo-projector; a table-like hologram projector that was invaluable for Strategic planning. Sheltered in their forward base, Anakin gestured his hands towards the helmeted Clones, stricken in blue painted lines from helmet to calf, before he even said anything,

"Troopers. I would assume you are aware of the current situation, judging by the Tarisian mud sprawled across your armour." Each soldier looked at one another to confirm Anakin's retort, as if they hadn't the slightest clue they had been elbow deep in the thick soil all day.

"So you all know, this isn't a battle easily won. But, I know, there is still a possibility. And I know, we've dealt with much worse before. I have a plan."

Anakin pressed a few buttons on the Holo-Projector before it came to life, and when it did, a translucent blue beam emitted and a map of the local area along with it. Anakin pointed at certain points on the map without saying anything, until he reached a certain point -

"There. That is our best chance of repelling those droids. If we can set charges at the locations I indicated, we can funnel them into the last position I highlighted"

Anakin felt security in this plan.

"I'll tell the men to get ready and set those charges, Sir." breathed Rex through his helmet, dismissing himself with a salute, as well as dismissing the others also, who also followed suit with a salute.

"Oh, Rex? Don't destroy too many of those droids, these lightsabers aren't just for show" Anakin humoured to him, grinning his face and creasing the scar on his right eye, to which Rex responded to with a wave.

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