How Will They React? A Miraculous Manifestation!

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Izuku walks out of the facility with a heavy weight on his shoulders, he is now All for One whether he likes it or not. The thing that was bugging him about it was the fact that his father had set up every event to make him who he is today. Hisashi blatantly stated that he sent that sludge villain after him which set off a chain of events leading to Izuku becoming the 9th holder of One for All. This begs a new question now, since he discovered that he can eventually gain access to the previous holder's quirks through One for All, will One for All merge with All for One in his own successor? This troubled him greatly, what if the person he chose for the next holder of One for All will give in to the power of All for One? What if he gives into the temptation to get more power? All these questions bounce around the walls of his skull as he walks from the Cerberus to UA taking as long as possible. Then he has a realization, what will his class think of his new power? He is the child of the villain who ended All Might's career, what will they think of him now? Izuku takes a seat on a nearby bench to help him clear his mind from the thousands of 'What if' questions bouncing around his head.

Izuku takes a seat on a nearby bench and as he sits down he exhales heavily and runs his fingers through his hair trying to answer those questions in his head. The world around him starts to distort slightly as a figure in a hero costume comes up to him. It is not the fifth who he talked to during the joint training exercise against class 1-B. This one is a woman with onyx black hair, a beauty mark under her lip, stunning silver eyes and a hairstyle similar to his mother's. This is The Seventh, his grandmother, Nana Shimura. She walks up to Izuku and takes a seat next to him on the bench and places an arm on his shoulder to get his attention. Izuku turns to see her sitting there before she speaks.

"Tell me Izuku, what troubles you so much?" Nana asks rubbing her hand on her grandson's shoulder in a calming fashion. Izuku picks his head up from his hands to look at Nana and recognises her as well as his own mother.

"It's my quirk, What will my friends think? What will the next holder do? Will they become obsessed with the power of All for One? Will I become obsessed with its power? I don't know what to do, all I ever wanted to be was a hero, but now I have an evil quirk." Izuku explains looking at Nana with a worrisome expression. Nana gives Izuku a soft smile knowing smile one of what a mother would give her child.

"There is no such thing as an evil quirk, only evil quirk users. Take the fifth for example, black whip looks menacing and eerie but he was one of the greatest heroes of his time and that was almost 200 years ago. Not all quirks are forged to emanate heroism or evil, it is the user who dictates if their quirk has that trait. Did your mother ever tell you what happened when she manifested her quirk?" Nana asks as Izuku shakes his head no in response.

"When I was told I was quirkless my mother all together stopped using her quirk, the last time she used it was when we were at the doctor's where they told me I was quirkless in the first place. All hers can do is attract small objects to herself... Right?" Izuku answers as Nana nods in understanding.

"No, she has my telekinesis power and she was three when it manifested. We were on our way home with her baby brother in a bucket seat when some would be villain tried to mug us. She was so terrified of the reptile looking villain that her quirk manifested and ended up crushing that villain with a steel I-beam from a construction site we were near. I would have handled it just fine but I had both Inko and your uncle with me so I had to protect them. After that day, Inko hardly ever used her quirk to its fullest potential, she thought it was evil and no matter how many times I told her what I just told you she always thought her quirk was a villain's quirk." Nana explains to Izuku as he nods in understanding.

"Why did you put my mom and uncle up for adoption?"

"We were attacked at home and they tried to kidnap your uncle to get to me, from there I decided that in order to keep them safe I needed to give them up. I wonder what would have happened if I didn't put them up for adoption and just hung up my cape to be a mother. Every part of me hated that I had to do that but it was for their safety and I still love them with all my heart, and that also includes you my little one." Nana replies giving Izuku a kiss on his forehead causing him to smile.

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