A Quest for Answers, An Immunization and Play Date

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Izuku stares soullessly into the eye of Muscular across from the interrogation table. The one eyed villain just gives the All for One user a wide grin upon seeing him again. The villain monologues about defeating Izuku and killing him for revenge before he holds up his hand getting him to stop. The confidence in Muscular's face drains and turns to fear upon seeing Izuku's hand turn black and burn with green fire. This reminds him of All for One and causes the serial killer to shut up for his own safety. His hand returns back to its normal state as before he reaches over and pours a glass of red wine for himself and offers one to Muscular.

"Now, you see, we can do this one of three ways. The civilized way, the intimidation way, or I read your mind, take your quirk and leave you to rot in this facility. How about we go about this like gentlemen and be civil about this?" Izuku says pushing the second glass of wine toward Muscular, the villain moves his arms in the quirk cancelation cuffs and takes the glass before crushing it in his hand.

"You will get nothing from me." Muscular answers as Izuku takes a sip from the glass as the camera pans up to show that Izuku is wearing a similar suit to All for One's own that he wore in life.

"Pitty, the wine and glass were not cheap, I'll give you another chance to do this civilly but this is your last one. What is the league planning to do with the child?" Izuku says staring into the eye with a cold stare. Muscular stays silent before Izuku repeats himself again, outside the interrogation room is All Might, Aizawa, Mandalay and Nedzu watching the interrogation take place.

"Are you sure that he will cooperate?" Mandalay asks as they watch Izuku move in his chair and lean towards the incarcerated villain.

"He has to, or his quirk will be forfeit." Nezu says as All Might stays silent watching this take place.

"I'm sure you know what is going to happen if you don't cooperate with me. I'm trying to give you a chance to atone for your sins. Do you really wish to die in this place? In a cage, being treated like an animal? All you need to do is answer my questions, and maybe depending on how you act... I'll let you keep that silly little quirk of yours. What do they want with the child?" Izuku repeats himself showing a bit of frustration in his voice as Muscular starts to laugh in his face. Izuku simply sighs before using the tendrils of his All for One quirk to wrap behind Musculars head before smashing it against the table leaving a dent.

"Aaarrrggg!!! You never start with the head... the victim gets all fuzzy." Muscular mocks before feeling the tendrils pierce his skin and start to burn causing him to scream out in pain. The heroes start to get up to stop Izuku but Mandalay raises a hand and all of them stop.

"Let him, if it was up to me that villain would already be dead. Midoriya is handling this far better than some of us would." Mandalay says showing the hatred she has for the villain in her voice. Izuku activates some form of quirk which intensifies the pain before Muscular breaks and confesses that he knows nothing.

"I DON'T KNOW ANYTHIIINNNGGGG!!!" Muscular shouts in pain, this causes Izuku to steal the Muscle Augmentation quirk and drop him to the floor. Izuku moves his muscles throughout his body trying out Muscular's quirk before returning them to their normal spots. "I was o-only part of the V-Vanguard action squad... a-all I knew was to capture that B-Bakugou kid." He says through gasps for breath after the excruciating pain of All for One.

"I have no use for you then, I need someone who actually knows of this. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to ask him anything. Good day." Izuku says before levitating up from the chair, placing his hands behind his back and grabbing his wrist before floating to the door. It opens as if a ghost had moved the handle on its own as Izuku leaves through the door. The villain is left writhing on the ground in fear as several guards come inside and bind him back up before returning him to his cell.

Heroism in ParentingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz