Complications with Custody! The Discovery of the Successor's lineage...

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Nedzu sits in his office staring at an envelope that was given to him by a lawyer not two hours ago. He takes a small letter opening knife and cuts the top off of the letter and pulls out the document within. The letter entails the issues with the law regarding the custody that Izuku and Ochako have of Eri after the event. It doesn't entail any other knowledge of what had happened to the girl turning herself into a baby with her quirk. Nedzu leans back in his chair and sighs deeply not wanting to deal with the problem before monologuing to himself of the possible options.

"Someone is behind this... I was given permission from the government to allow my institution to retain custody of Midoriya Eri. They had assured me that there would be no issues with this but the letter claims otherwise. Damnit. I don't want to have to put her in an orphanage because the villains would just find her. Then there's the matter of her condition, her quirk apparently rewinds the target permanently so she's stuck as an infant." Nedzu says to himself looking down at the letter on his desk.

"This has to be a setup in order to get the girl away from UA, well if whoever is behind this is going to exploit legal loopholes... Then so will I, I just need to do some research first. As to anyone who maybe behind this I assume that the League has something to do with this. I'm not going to alert Midoriya and Uraraka they have enough to deal with at the moment caring for the infant. In the meantime... I need to find a way around this so we can keep her under our care without fear of any other legal business that may be exploited by our adversaries." Nedzu says once again before signing into his computer and beginning his research.

With Izuku and Ochako

Izuku wakes up with Ochako sleeping next to him in their now shared dorm, stretching deeply Izuku manages to wriggle his way out of Ochako's grasp before getting up out of their bed. After brushing his teeth and combing his untamable hair, Izuku walks back into the room and greets Eri in her crib as she starts to call for him. "Dada! Dada!" Eri shouts as Izuku smiles and picks her up out of the crib. Eri smiles a toothless wide grin as Izuku picks her up but something catches his attention about her smile. Izuku quickly wakes up Ochako trying to get her attention about their daughter.

"Ochako! Wake up! You need to see this!" Izuku says as Ochako snaps awake and sits up quickly turning to face Izuku to see what's wrong.

"What is it?! What happened Deku?!" She quickly shouts before noticing Izuku holding Eri out in front of him with her smiling at her momma with a small white gleam coming from her grin. "Oh My Gosh! Deku she has her first tooth!!!" Ochako yells as she takes Eri from Izuku causing the baby to laugh as Ochako spins her around.

"M-Mama! Mama!" Eri says making the two smile with the pride of new parents.

"We should head downstairs the others want to spend time with her too." Izuku says as the small family heads down to the common area to see what the others are up to that morning.

Getting down to the common room, the pair are met with the majority of the class hanging about the room relaxing from their training. Eri, placed in her harness on Izuku's chest, begins squealing when she sees the others in the room letting them know that she is there and wants to play. Todoroki walks up to the baby hero in training and takes her from the harness before walking off to the fridge to get her a drinkable applesauce packet since she's starting to eat solids. Izuku walks up to the long couch in the living room and plops himself down on it with Ochako taking her seat in Deku's lap. After conversing with the Deku-squad for a bit Izuku notices that Iida isn't there this morning and asks where he is getting shrugs from the others.

"Has anyone seen Iida? He texted the group chat saying that he has some important news." Ochako asks as the others look around for a second and then shrug.

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