The New Family of Class 1-A

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Walking down the stairs to the common room the morning after the incident, Izuku is cradling a sleeping Eri in his arms as Ochako had headed out to go pick up some baby formula for Eri to drink. He gets down the stairs and Instantly everyone's eyes are on him and the white haired infant in his arms. Before Izuku gets anytime to say anything he is instantly swarmed by all of Class 1-A including Bakugou trying to see the baby in Izuku's arms. Mineta is the first to speak insulting Izuku loudly causing the baby in his arms to start crying which earns Mineta a smack on the back of the head by Todoroki knocking him out.


"Shut up!" Todoroki says smacking the grape haired midget in the neck dropping him in one hit. "How'd grape ass even get into this school anyways? Midoriya who's the kid?" Todoroki asks looking at Eri.

"It's Eri, she had a nightmare last night and lost control of her quirk she rewound herself to the age of an infant. By the looks of it I'd say she's about 5 months old." Izuku says rocking her back and forth in his arms slowly trying to get her to calm down.

"Her quirk most likely have activated in response to her trauma, in order to protect herself from the horrific memories she had subconsciously decided to activate her quirk bringing her back to an age where she had no memories thus eliminating the PTSD from the event." Momo says as Eri starts to get fussy from being hungry, "May I try to calm her down Midoriya?" She asks as Izuku hands her to the Creation user.

"Support her head while you're holding her." Izuku says seeing Momo hold the child who looks up at her with curiosity, everyone watches Eri look at Momo before then trying to get at Momo's breasts for sustenance as everyone laughs albeit nervously.

"I believe she is hungry." Momo says handing her back to Izuku, as Ochako comes back from the nurse's office with the required formula for the baby.

"Izu, I have formula for Eri and a number of other things for her." Ochako says before walking up to Izuku and whispering into his ear: "RG told me that I may have to breastfeed her since some babies will refuse to drink formula." to which Izuku gives her a questioning look before she nods and goes to prepare the formula as Izuku checks her diaper.

"Well, it appears that the rules must be changed now that Eri has become an infant. 1st off, we will all get turns to hold her or look after her for a certain amount of time (Minus Mineta). Secondly, Midoriya and Uraraka are not going to be solely responsible for looking after her, feeding her, and changing her as well. We are expected to get along like family and so we're going to act as such to help raise Eri. Lastly, do not try to cut someone else's time with the baby short everyone will get to hold her from time to time." Iida says as Izuku takes the bottle from Ochako and hands it to Eri hoping that she will eat it and thankfully she does.

"Seems fair enough, Who wants to hold her first?" Ochako asks as Todoroki volunteers even though he had walked back to the couch and laid down on it. Ochako walks over to Shouto and hands him Eri to which he sets her on his chest and warms himself slightly to keep her warm and comfortable allowing her to sleep.

"Soooo~ does this mean you two are Official?" Mina tries to tease which causes Izuku to wrap his arm around Ochako's waist and her to kiss him on the cheek.

"Yes, we have been for a little while now actually. Remember when we were attacked at the training camp? Ochako helped me bind up my arms and I said if anything goes wrong that I had to let her know I loved her." Izuku says as Ochako hugs him once again.

"I believe you two should explain what has happened to your parents they would most likely want to meet you two and know that you two are together." Momo says looking Eri whose out cold on top of Shouto who's also asleep now on the couch.

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