Farting Fruit Loops (Part 3)

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You're a weak piece of shit.

~Emma Smith~

Millie and I slumped down at the kitchen table with Karen curled up at our feet. She carefully siped hot cocoa and I downed black coffee. We were both exhausted from the New Year's party my family pulled together last minute. The boys were still sleeping in the guest bedroom, and Sadie passed out on the couch with the TV on. No adults were up yet, so it was just Millie and me. I decided that I didn't like the taste of bitter black coffee anymore, so I made small talk with her.

"When do you begin filming for season 3?" I asked her curiously.

She eagerly answered, "Oh, thankfully not for a while. I need a break from memorizing scripts and the crazy scheduling."

Joe lazily strolled into the kitchen and laughed, "Ain't that the truth."

There's hope for her and the boys to stay in Vancouver. "What do y'all plan on doing in the meantime?"

She scrunched her nose, "Haven't thought that far yet." She laughed, "Don't even know what I want for lunch."

Millie glanced back at Sadie drooling all over a throw pillow. She asked, "Should I go wake up Sadie and the guys?"

"Probably for the best." I couldn't contain my laughter.

I caught Noah's eye as Millie walked past into the hallway and waved him a good morning. He smiled and took her seat beside me. A blush slowly began to form on my face.

I nonchalantly scratched my head and asked him casually, "You want something for breakfast?"

He smirked a little bit, "I'll make scrambled eggs in a bit. Better question, you want anything?"

I hid my red cheeks from him in my hands. I answered, "No, I'm alright."

Joe dragged his feet behind me and patted me on the head, "You two are sweet to each other; I'd say, 'Get yourself something, I'm not your mom!'"

I turned to face him, "But you are our motherly figure." Noah snickered.

Joe only had to take one look at me to realize I was nervous around Noah. Then he took his revenge and said, "Why don't you both go outside and play in the fresh snow since you two enjoy each others' company so much?"

I gathered up enough confidence to roll my eyes. "Are you sure you're not our mommy, Joe?"

He ruffled my hair, "Whatever you say, cousin. Just go get some fresh air and Vitamin D. Doesn't matter where it's coming from." He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Or who."

I conjured all of my self control to resist throwing hands at him on sight. Thankfully, Millie dragged in the rest of the young cast for an early breakfast. They all trudged into the kitchen carrying blankets on their backs except Finn. He winked at me and sat down across from my seat at the table.

"How did you sleep Emms? He was completely wide awake.

I laughed, "Did you stash a couple of Red Bulls in your room? How are you so lively in the morning?" I glanced at Noah and Millie trying to keep their heads up and their eyes open, "We sure ain't."

Finn let out a nice, easygoing laugh. He was super cute. He's got really nice hair. He's sweet. He's funny. I could probably go on and on. But I didn't want to tamper with whatever was going on between Noah and I. I was super lucky for him to have aNy interest in me at all.

I started thinking of things Noah and I could do to get to know each other better. We could go on a walk to the park. We could go on a beach trip. We could go on a-

"Vacation!" I sputtered out. Everyone was wide awake now and looking directly at me.

I cleared my throat, "Guys, you're all off for quite a while before y'all need to go back to Atlanta for season 3. Why don't we slip a little vacation in there? Go somewhere exotic? I'm sure y'all don't need to worry too much about money," I eyed Millie, who had her head resting on the kitchen table and one eye open, "and I don't know about any plans you guys have after New Years, but wouldn't it be super fun to all take a trip together?"

A collective nod spread across the room. I felt like wheezing. I can't believe I just asked the Stranger Things cast to go on a vacation with me. Well, suggested. Still, it was a little wild considering a week ago they didn't even know what I looked like.

Caleb accidentally stuck his hand in Gaten's fruit loops while he was reaching for his phone. Gaten let out a dramatic gasp.

"My fruit loops!" He held up the bowl, "My pride and joy!"

Caleb rolled his eyes and let a fart rip, "Make another one man."

This was enough to awaken Sadie, "Please don't tell me Caleb just farted." She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, "Millie told me when they were filming for season one they were all sitting in the bus waiting for Shawn to yell action and Caleb let one rip and everyone had to evacuate the scene."

Caleb chuckled, "I had a lot of milk that morning!"

"He was trying to strengthen bones that don't exist." Gaten said.

"What the hell does that mean?"

Gaten pointed a finger at him and trying his best to stifle his laughter, "It means you're a weak piece of shit."

Finn looked me in the eye and said, "I got this" and turned back to the boys. "Back to Emma's suggestion, I think it's a great idea!"

Millie raised a sleepy finger in agreement. Sadie gave a thumbs-up from the couch.

"Fine fine, let's go on another vacation. God, I'm getting sick of all this rich people travel!" Gaten noogied Caleb, "But let's do this!"

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